Cleaning Mr. Prussia
A Hetalia Reference Guide
Translation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice It happened in the early winter… At my house, the sun barely comes out in the winter. Without the...
Translation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice I brace myself and open the door. Finland: Wait, those people behind you… Aphr_dite Jones!? Jer_my Wade… and Bear...
Translation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice Bulgaria and Romania again…? Those two countries have just been dragging their feet since they joined. That’s why I opposed...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Bonus … And that’s what happened. Dontcha think the world has gotten about 21% cleaner today? Hou… so...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Japan So we are at Mr. Japan’s house. Oh, what is the matter, Prussia-kun? Well, I thought I’d...
Scanlation: desuraven, jammerlea Switzerland Switzerland’s House What did you say you’re going to do you bastard? It’s too cruel to say that so suddenly! Prussia....
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Sweden Why is Sweden among the options!! Mr. Prussia is having unpleasant flashbacks to the Great Northern War....
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Austria – End Continuing this cycle of underwear discovery and disposal, Mr. Austria’s house was thoroughly cleaned. Hah…...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Austria – Under the Bed You found underpants! Did he take them off before going to sleep? What...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Austria – Desk You found underpants! Why’re there underpants inside the desk… Underpants inside a desk are weird,...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Austria – Dresser You found underpants! With the other coats hung up so neatly, why’re there underpants tucked...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Austria – Shelf You found underpants! So this is where he puts the underwear… But it doesn’t exactly...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Austria Alright! It’s fun to poke that aristocrat and see his reaction! Though Mr. Austria looks serious and...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Italy Right! I’ll go to Italy-chen’s house, clean up and be praised! With such blatant ulterior motives, Mr....
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Germany – Read More Month O Day △ I’m familiar with maids at my own house, but in...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Germany – Stop There … I’m home. I’m done cleaning the library! You really needn’t have bothered, Big...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Germany Heey! West! I’ll clean up while you’re gone! Ah, I’m already done with the cleaning. Ain’t it...
Scanlation: gilbolove, jammerlea Translation Source: LJ Post Aaaaaah~ It’s boring… It’s boring and I super wanna be praised by someone… When Old Fritz was around...
Original (2007/03/07) | LJ Post Translation: nosuri, jammerlea Gakuen Hetalia Script ▽Next Scene ↑Table of Contents このゲームの出来上がり見本はこちら随時更新していきます。 File Size: 39691 bites(38.76 kb)(=改行を含む半角文字数、元のテキスト) Number of Lines: 484...