Notice: Site Errors

Our PHP was recently updated and it goofed up all my pages that were on the old layout, which I have not completed transferring over to wordpress. I’ve tried fixing it, but I think the coding is obsolete, so those pages are not working correctly at this time.

I’m going to try and just copy things over to wordpress as soon as I can, but there’s a lot to go through, so it may be a while before everything is up. ALSO, I’m just copypasting the old code, so the formatting on those pages will look wonky until I can go over them properly. In the meantime, if you’re browsing any of the translations and come across a broken image (excluding the “Memo and Old Blog Cache” pages), please give me a heads up. I’m trying to make sure I get everything correct, but I might miss something in my rush.

Also! There’s probably gonna be some weird text errors here and there with Chinese characters mixed in. This is due to a previous PHP update that for some reason had problems with certain apostrophes. I will fix them later.

I’ll update again on my progress as I get through things.

EDIT: Nonlinear strips have been copied over, not including the blog strips, which will be moved to their own section. That’s all I have time to do tonight.

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