Site Update


Long time, no update. I had been super burnt out on working on Hetalia stuff for a good while. I’ve done maybe a few minor updates here and there, but nothing worth posting about. It was mostly linking sources.

I recently purchased volumes 7 and 8 of World Stars, so I reorganized the chapters in that section. I don’t have time to add chapters at the moment and I’m super behind, so it’s pretty bare. I’ll try to update a bit as I can when time and my health allows. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support me!

Site Update

Hope everything is well!

Hello! I have been working on the site off and on, but I just haven’t bothered to make a post. So here is one!

I wanted to share that I have the World Stars section up to date to Chapter 437! I still am behind on the blog mirror for twitter posts, but that’s going to take more time to get through. I can’t promise I won’t fall behind again as I deal with IRL priorities, but I’m happy to get caught up on something! I will continue to work with Hetascans as new chapters are released, and as usual, you’ll be able to find them on our tumblr before they show up here.

I’ll keep working on the site as I am able to. Thank you for visiting!

Site Update

Getting back to it…

Hello! Apologies for the extra long hiatus. I’m going to try to start catching up as I can!

First of all, more track translation have been added for the “Together With Prussia” voice CD, so please check that out when you can. It’s about halfway complete now!

Also World Stars Chapter 385 has been added. I’m still about 10 chapters behind. I’ll try to update as I get more done.

Thank you for visiting!



I had made an announcement on twitter and tumblr a little while back, but figured I should probably post here too. Currently the site is on hiatus due to personal reasons. I will get back to updating close to mid-September. In the meantime, you can check my twitter or tumblr links for the most recent World Stars scanlations. Thank you for your patience!

Site Update

Some new content!

Hello! I hope everyone is well!

I know I haven’t updated the main page for a while, but I have been working on the site. The World Stars chapters have been added up to chapter 382. I’ll get 383 added soon.

The Blog Mirror has been updated to include posts from Himaruya’s official twitter account, but I’m behind on that, so it only has posts up through May. I’ll try to catch up soon. It’s a little more difficult to keep up with.

Also! Thanks to Jackce via tumblr, we’re now getting translations for the voice situation CD “Together with Prussia… It’s Too Much Fun On My Own“! It’s where the tracks are set up like the listener (you) is spending time with the character (Prussia). This CD was a lottery prize and is very hard to find, so I’m excited to finally see a translation for it! I’ll update it as the translations are available.

Thank you for dropping by!

Site Update


Been kinda busy, so here’s a quick list of recent things since the last update!

World Stars Chapters:


Current URL fix progress: 320/368 (as of May 3rd, 2021)

Site Update

Hello 2021!

Sorry for not posting an update yet this year. I have been working on the site here and there. I recently finished translating/typesetting the 2009 April Fools’ Event Page (Prussia’s Blog)! So please check that out if you have some time. It was fun to revisit.

A lot of other stuff has been minor edits, like fixing typos. Though I did manage to get up blog mirrors for the Kitayume Backups of Omochi Summary 1, Omochi Summary 2, and Omochi Summary 3.

I will get back to fixing the HWS URLs and navigation, but I’m waiting to receive my copy of HWS vol 5 in the mail (should come on Wed), so I know what chapters I need to reorganize so I can add the newest chapter too! I’m pretty excited to see the webcomic restarting! I’m looking forward to seeing what Himaruya brings us this time!

Current URL fix progress: 250/368 (as of Mar 23, 2021)

Site Update

Happy Holidays!

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well this holiday season! I have been incredibly busy and haven’t been able to really work on the site recently. Hopefully I’ll have more time after the holidays. In the meantime, it came to my attention that there are issues sharing the World Stars scanlations links on places like twitter, because of the ☆ character breaking the URL. I’ll be trying to fix this issue, but it’ll take a bit, considering there are 368 chapters. I’ll do what I can, as I can. Thank you in advance for your patience. Happy Holidays, and I hope everyone has a lovely new year!

Current URL fix progress: 234/368 (as of Mar 23, 2021)

Site Update

Character List!

Hello, I hope everyone is hanging in there during this crazy year! I just wanted to post that I finally fixed up basic Character List Page! The list links to pages that include their bio, tags, and a link to their articles on the Kitawiki, and it includes the Nation, Micronation, and Ancient/Former Nation characters that have appeared in the series, with the exception of one time cameos and characters that have had almost no development, etc. I will in time be adding lists for State and Province Characters, Historical Characters, and probably another page to cover the small cameos and mentions that occur.

Please let me know if you spot any errors or incorrect links within the pages and I’ll try to correct them ASAP! Thank you for visiting!

Site Update

Welcome to the New Year!

I hope everyone has a good holiday season! I don’t have a lot at the moments, but I thought I’d list the blog posts that spaghettifelice helped complete translations for recently. Many thanks to her for translating! Some of these are just text posts, but it’s nice to get these entries completed just the same!

Site Update


Sorry for the lack of updates. This last part of the year has been a little overwhelming, so I haven’t been updating. I’m hoping to return after the holidays to start catching up the blog mirror and working on other little things. Thank you for stopping by.

Site Update

Minor update…

Haven’t had time to do a whole lot, but I recently got through mirroring a few more of the Kitayume strips that were reposted to Bamboo Thicket. These strips are:

There’s still a LOT more to go through. I’ll continue to add more as I can.

Site Update


Sorry for the lack of updates! After the scramble to back up as much as possible I needed a break. Also I have been assisting with typesetting content for Kitayumeverse, so if you are interested in seeing Himaruya’s non-Hetalia works, please check it out!

I managed to back up all the major Hetalia works from the geocities site. However, I still have a good number of reposts of that content to the Bamboo Thicket blog to go through. Currently I am working on reformatting the source info on the pages that are currently complete, because of the geocities site going down causing deadlinks and Himaruya’s circle requesting link backs to go to Bamboo Thicket. I will still also be linking to some web archive snapshots of Kitayume, since some of the pages have had minor changes or were combined with other strips when they were uploaded to Bamboo Thicket. I’ll work on this as I can and then return to blog mirroring.

Thank you for your patience and support!!


Geocities backups almost complete!!

I know I haven’t updated the main page here for a good while, but I’ve been working hard on the site! Currently, aside from the last two Christmas events, ALL of the Hetalia-related content from the Geocities Kitayume site has been backed up.

This Includes:


Not all backed up content has translations. Again, except for the last two Christmas events, all of the Holiday Strips and Events have been backed up too. This has taken a long time to get through, so I’m going to take a break before I get back to those Christmas events.

Also, Himaruya’s team has also been working here and there to transfer some of the Geocities content to their WordPress blog. I have also been mirroring this progress on the Blog Mirror here, as well as posting those mirrors to twitter as I get through them. So if you’re interested in keeping up with those, please follow me on twitter!

Site Update

Unlisted and Lost Content is backed up!

Just posting quick to mention that I just completed the Japanese backups and general QC for the Unlisted and Lost Content section! I was prioritizing these as they’re rarer materials and are the most likely to be lost once geocities goes down. It was difficult to cache and not all the original material had caches available, but thankfully I was able to find all the original Japanese for them.

The Main Storyline has also been backed up, but I am also linking those chapters to the related posts on Bamboo Thicket as Himaruya’s team is adding them there. I will continue to do this with future content as it is available.

Site Update

Important Geocities News

It was announced today that geocities will be closing in Japan. The end of service will be in March 2019. This means that Himaruya’s site Kitayume will be losing its home. Currently we are unsure what plans, if any, Himaruya has on relocating his site. We will be working to archive the original Japanese versions of the Kitayume content here, and on I’m unsure how long it’ll take to get through everything, but we should be able to back everything up before geocities goes down for good. You can visit the Main Storyline page to see what how things will look with both English and Japanese versions of the pages. I will try to post more updates as I work through this archival work.

Site Update

Some info on updates…

Just to give notice of what I’ve worked on and such…

First of all, I finished getting the last seven chapters of World Stars up on the site. Sorry it took so long. But currently World Stars is completed until Himaruya returns from his hiatus.

I have also been transferring the other Holiday Strips and Events over when I’ve had bits of free time. There was a lot of material here, but I think I can say I’m somewhat close to finishing. I’m just over halfway through adding the 2011 Christmas event, and after that I just have the 2011 Halloween event for that section. The 2011 Christmas one is giving me some trouble though, so it’s going slower than I had hoped.

After that I may try to get up the translation for the Prussia Cleaning Game, since I think someone was asking for that…

As a side note, my work will probably be extra slow for a bit, as I have been having a health issue and it’s really killing my stamina. Still trying to get it sorted out while using products like Amanita Muscaria gummies from Exhale that help me feel a little better, hopefully it won’t slow me down for long.

As always, thank you for your patience!

Site Update

Blog Comics UP!

Comics that were originally posted on the Bamboo Thicket blog now have their own section! You can see them here: Blog Comics. I may add to this later, but I’m still working on copying content over in general.

Also, I don’t think I mentioned it previously on here, but I’ve been adding translations for The Hetalian Horror Show visual novel as well, as the Hetascanlations translators get through them. Please be sure to check that out as well!

Site Update


I wanted to give a more formal progress update. To recap, the PHP our server runs no longer recognizes a specific code I was using for the old content pages I hadn’t yet transferred to WordPress. I’m currently trying to move content over as-is so that it will still be accessible.

These are the “completed” sections that I have transferred over.


Warning: There are still some errors within these sections, most noticeable are areas where certain punctuation was processed incorrectly and shows as Chinese text. Also, the 1st Web Profiles (example) where the table coding doesn’t function correctly with WordPress. These will be fixed at a later time.

At this point, the sections that still need to be transferred are Blog Comics, Events, Extra Materials, and the Prussia Cleaning Game. Also, the plugin I was using for the Character Page malfunctioned, so I will need to rework that with something different.

I completely underestimated just how much content I need to transfer over, and I am finding it overwhelming, so I’m probably going to work at it a bit slower, because there are other projects and priorities that I need to work on. Again, I’ll try to post updates as I get through things. I apologize for the delay. Thank you for your patience and understanding.