Hetalia World☆Stars – Chapter 419: When One’s in Trouble, the Other Shines Dazzlingly!!
Original | tumblr Scanlation: spaghettifelice, donamoeba, loaf, jammerlea
A Hetalia Reference Guide
Original | tumblr Scanlation: spaghettifelice, donamoeba, loaf, jammerlea
Original | tumblr Scanlation: spaghettifelice, donamoeba, loaf, jammerlea
Original | tumblr Scanlation: spaghettifelice, donamoeba, jammerlea, pandabaozi
Original | tumblr Scanlation: spaghettifelice, donamoeba, jammerlea, pandabaozi
Original | tumblr Scanlation: spaghettifelice, donamoeba, jammerlea, pandabaozi
Original | tumblr Scanlation: donamoeba, spaghettifelice, jammerlea
Original (2018/02/09) | tumblr Scanlation: y4nderenka, donamoeba, buruzaitama
Original (2018/02/05) | tumblr Scanlation: y4nderenka, donamoeba, buruzaitama
Original (2018/02/02) | tumblr Scanlation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice, buruzaitama
Original (2018/01/15) | tumblr Scanlation: spaghettifelice, donamoeba, buruzaitama
Translation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice It happened in the early winter… At my house, the sun barely comes out in the winter. Without the...
Translation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice I brace myself and open the door. Finland: Wait, those people behind you… Aphr_dite Jones!? Jer_my Wade… and Bear...
Translation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice Bulgaria and Romania again…? Those two countries have just been dragging their feet since they joined. That’s why I opposed...
Original (2015/07/31) | tumblr Scanlation: y4nderenka, donamoeba, pandabaozi Back | Index | Next Back | Index | Next
Original | Blog Mirror | Scanlation: kurukurumaki, y4nderenka, losthitsu, pandabaozi ■Mysterious notes doodled while studying Eastern European history. I’ll add one more later.
Original (2013/12/02 ~ 2015/01/07) | Bamboo Thicket Repost LJ/tumblr Post: 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95...
Original (2013/11/10 ~ 2013/11/14) | Bamboo Thicket Repost LJ Post: 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,...
Original (2013/11/06 ~ 2013/11/13) | Bamboo Thicket Repost LJ Post: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Scanlation:...
Original (2013/11/03 ~ 2013/11/06) | Bamboo Thicket Repost LJ Post: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,...
Original (2013/11/02 ~ 2013/11/03) | Bamboo Thicket Repost LJ Post: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Scanlation: hikari-kaitou, xicedlemonteax, lost-hitsu, nameru-ja-nai, psanon...