Original (2007/02/18 ~ 2007/02/20): Bamboo Thicket | Kitayume (archive.is)
Blog Mirror: “Buon San Valentino”
Scanlation: rainy_takako, evercool
Translation Source: LJ Post

In Italian, Valentine’s Day is
called Buon San Valentino (*´∀`*)
■ With an Inflexible German ■
Compared to Italians, Germans don’t have a lot of
words or body language to express love so sometimes
it’s difficult for them to understand Italians! (*´∀`)
■ With a Austrian Who Fakes Innocence ■
■ I’m studying you know ■
■ Personalities are opposites, roots are the same ■
Even though the personalities of Germans and
Austrians are fundamentally opposites
(Germans = strict and serious,
Austrians = calm and prefer to enjoy life),
their roots are the same. It’s quite mysterious.
■ I Like This Sort of Suspicious Book ■
■ With an Overly Easygoing Italian ■
■ Italy and Germany: So close and yet so far ■
There are some things you must be cautious of in Germany. (´ー`*)
In Germany, Valentine’s Day is something celebrated between established lovers.
If you give presents lightheartedly, you’ll probably cause a misunderstanding.
(Because of this custom, there isn’t anything like White Day
or obligatory chocolate giving over there either)
And red roses mean a confession of love,
so make sure you don’t send them to just anyone
or you’ll definitely cause a misunderstanding or two (´∀`*)
■ We Misunderstand Each Other Way Too Much ■
■ Google “Germany” and “pervert” ■
■ More than an alliance, less than a union ■
■ Going Back Home ■
■ Hides his name but not his Mariazell ■