Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol 1: The CD Of The Awesome Me – Track 04 “Not you too, Hong Kong”
Based on “Ore-sama no Blog” Translation by: katsu LJ Post Prussia: Title: Hong Kong, you bastard did it too, huh? Prussia: “Hong Kong sells a...
A Hetalia Reference Guide
Based on “Ore-sama no Blog” Translation by: katsu LJ Post Prussia: Title: Hong Kong, you bastard did it too, huh? Prussia: “Hong Kong sells a...
Based on “Ore-sama no Blog” Translation by: katsu LJ Post Prussia: Title: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Prussia: I went to check out Austria’s house.” Austria: “Wait a moment!Prussia!”...
Based on “Ore-sama no Blog” Translation by: katsu LJ Post Prussia: Title: He sold something weird Prussia: “Ah fuck it! That damn you China! To...
Based on “Ore-sama no Blog” Translation by: katsu LJ Post Announcer: Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol. 1 Prussia: ~The CD Of The Awesome Me~ Announcer:...
Based on “England Catches a Cold” Rough Translation by: yamiyoru LJ Post Japan: Igirisu-san has caught a cold. As the season changes with time and...
Based on “The Anglo-Japanese Alliance between two lonely people” Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post England: How The Two Who Were Once Alone Became Allied Germany:...
Based on “England and Japan’s Ghost Culture” Rough Translation by: Nosuri Gaia Online SCENE I Japan: It was… the time I just formed an alliance...
Based on “Axis Powers Jokes” Rough Translation by: Nosuri Gaia Online SCENE I S.Italy: Finally he let me get back home… That b*****d England… Hey...
Based on various strips Rough Translation by: Nosuri Gaia Online SCENE I N.Italy: Germany~, Germany~! Germany: Italy! Did you come here driving on the wrong...
Based on “You know, we’re kind of…” Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: Screaming SOS in the Center of the World *sound of waves*...
Based on “Happy Birthday!” Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: Happy Birthday! *party poppers popping* America: Happy Independence Day! It’s my birthday today, ya know!...
Based on “Supersize You!” Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: Supersize You! England: Say, America. America: Hm, what is it? *munches on food* England: Is...
Loosely based on various strips Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: Lovely Axis Powers Japan: “Done so, the Japanese apricot blossoms comfortable in the...
Based on “Lithuania’s Outsourcing” Part 1 & Part 2 Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: Lithuania Works Away From Home Narrator: This is a story...
Based on Comic Diary 8: “Erotic Ambassador” Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: The World’s Most Sensual Entity. France: Say… Say, England… England: Oh, is...
Based on the Character Introductions from Axis Powers Hetalia Vol 2 Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: Hetalia and its Pleasant Companions. Italy: Alright! It...
Based on “Prologue” from Axis Powers Hetalia Vol 1 Translation by: splatteredminds LJ Post Announcer: Prologue Germany: Long ago on earth there was a man...
Based on“Cleaning out the Storage” Translation by: satoru-13 LJ Post Lithuania: America-san! If it’s cleaning, leave it to me! America: Thanks, Lithuania, but it’s alright....
Based on Translation by: kittycatmew LJ Post [Note: This is only a translation for the second half of this track.] Narration: Around this time, at...
Based on “Meeting of the World” (Vol 1) Translation by: vavarazzi LJ Post Narrator: “Meeting of the world, 1. This is the certain countries’ National...