[Liechtenstein Tag] | [Kitawiki Article]
[Official Name] Fürstentum Liechtenstein (Principality of Liechtenstein)
[Capital] Vaduz
[Official Language] German
[Birthday] July 12
[National Flower] Orange Lily
[Flag Meaning] The blue symbolizes the blue sky, and the red is the burning fires in the fireplaces. The heraldic crown of the prince symbolizes that the people and rulers are united.
Translation: spaghettifelice
2nd Web/Vol 2 Bio: A young lady under the care of Switzerland. She’s very clever. She has a very humble and adult personality, but she will always clearly state her views. She’s pretty high-tech.
Translation: nisecal
Vol 4 Bio: A modest, level-headed young lady! She’s quite sociable, and has many friends!
Translation: tarafishes, spaghettifelice