[Italy Tag] | [Kitawiki Article]
Italy (Italy = Veneziano)
Human Name: Feliciano Vargas – Age: 20 – Height: 172 cm
[Official Name] Repubblica italiana (Italian Republic)
[Capital] Rome
[Official Language] Italian
[Birthday] 1861 March 17 (Italian Republic)
[National Flower] Daisy
[Flag Meaning] The green represents the beautiful land, white for snow, and red for patriotic zeal.
At the same time, they also have the meanings of independence, equality, and charity.
Translation: spaghettifelice
1st Web/Vol 1 Bio: A bright and energetic Latino that somehow went from being The Roman Empire, strongest nation in the world with a long history (the rest will be omitted) to being absolutely clumsy. In Hetalia, he is Italy Veneziano. A bit of a crybaby and a spoiled child who is always expressing his love everywhere. Was born with the habits of making huge gestures while speaking, humming obnoxiously, and loves skipping around. It almost seems as though something has soaked into his body. Hobbies include cooking, siestas, and drawing/designing. Is a bit irresponsible, but for some reason the other nations turn a blind eye to it. Loves pasta and pizza and cheese.
Translation: youkofujima
2nd Web/Vol 2 Bio: In the story, Veneziano is very different from his older brother. He’s a cheerful Latin boy who loves pasta and women and can be a little bit of a crybaby. He relies on Germany a lot but doesn’t really listen to what he says. He has a physiological phenomenon of sometimes leaking out the mysterious sound “Ve”. He gets his aesthetic sense from Grandpa Rome, causing him to very much love painting, singing and designing clothes.
Translation: nisecal
Vol 3 Bio: A playful, cheerful, blubbering, girl-, pasta-, pizza-, and siesta-loving Latin boy! When he actually makes a serious effort, he can be amazing, but he only tries in front of girls!
Translation: rinrin0
Vol 4 Bio: A playful, cheerful crybaby, and a Latin boy who loves girls, pasta, pizza, and siestas! He’s actually saving his strength for when he’s in front of the ladies!
Translation: spaghettifelice
Vol 5 Bio: A buoyant young Latino man that loves “bella” (pretty girls) and gourmet food! He is happiest when singing and eating delicious stuff!
Translation: lost-hitsu
Vol 6 Bio: This cheerful son of the romance family loves pretty girls. He is very good at expressing his feelings through touching.
Translation: lost-hitsu
HWS Webcomic Bio: He’s spirited, has peculiar tastes, and is also a bit of an airhead. He’s a gourmet, but eats simple breakfasts. His national anthem is bright and cheerful. The point of life is to enjoy it!
Translation: donamoeba
HWS Vol 2 Bio: A southern European country who is jovial and loves gourmet! It’s common courtesy to compliment the ladies! Nothern Italy is the kind to toil away at his work.
Translation: donamoeba, kurukurumaki