[Iceland Tag] | [Kitawiki Article]
[Official Name] Ísland
[Capital] Reykjavík
[Official Language] Icelandic
[Birthday] June 17
[National Flower] Mountain Avens
[Flag meaning] The blue, symbolizing the colour of the sea and the sky, is a national colour of Iceland, and originates from the national costume.
Translation: spaghettifelice
2nd Web/Vol 2 Bio: A mysterious boy with a cool exterior and a hot interior. A very different country compared to the rest of Europe. Because he’s recently caught a cold, he’s been suspicious of Russia’s extreme gentleness. Until his fever goes down, he’ll accept the kindness, but…
Translation: nisecal
Vol 4 Bio: The true little brother of Norway who appears quiet and mature, but can also be a bit childish! He normally speaks in a standard language in order to hide his accent that nobody can understand!
Translation: tarafishes, spaghettifelice
Vol 5 Bio: Through DNA testing, he has found out that Norway is his older brother! He is trying his best to hide his accent! He tries to act mature, but he still has an immature side.
Translation: wiccat
Vol 6 Bio: He recently found out that he’s Norway’s little brother. He tries to appear like an adult, but he still has his childish sides. He is cleverly turning the hot water that is found in his country into spas.
Translation: lost-hitsu
HWS Chapter 106 Bio: He is the Nordic country of snow and volcanoes. His house seems as if it should be cold and covered in snow year-round, but there are actually a lot of hot springs because of the volcanoes. Similarly, Iceland is normally cool and doesn’t talk much, but it’s said that he has a hot side, too. It embarrasses him, so he doesn’t show the hot side, though. His house is separate from the rest of Europe, so he’s a bit uniformed as to the going-ons outside of his house. However, he sometimes looks at things like news and music hit charts on American websites, so he’s (kinda) part of the in crowd too. He was happy when America’s famous donut shop opened in Iceland, but he didn’t show it on his face. He is beloved by the other Nordics like a little brother, but he’s old enough now that he wants them to stop. Especially Norway.
Translation: y4nderenka, donamoeba