- Translation by: spaceinvaderdud
- LJ Post
Prussia: Hey, West!
Germany: What is it?
Prussia: It’s not fair that only I have to count for you!
Prussia: Now it’s your turn! You have to count for me!
Germany: Huh!? What’s this not fair thing about!? Aren’t you the one who just up and started counting to me?
Germany: And turns? *sigh* I don’t think the original purpose was just to count sheep to people. It was to help people fall asleep.
Prussia: Oh, it’s all right! I know that my “Too cool for this Earth.” counting act is hard to follow, but counting sheep should be easy peasy for someone like you! You’ll do great!
Germany: I now know that you’re not going to listen to a word I say about this at the moment.
Prussia: What’s wrong? If you’re nervous about this, then I can pass down my mysteriously awesome ultimate counting secrets to you personally!
Germany: There’s no secrets about how to count things well!
Prussia: All right, I’m all ready now!
Germany: Hey! Why are you using my bed without my permission!?
Prussia: Oh, stop being such a stick in the mud! I’ll be sure to go back to my bed when you feel tired!
Germany: You’re not going to give up my bed anytime soon, are you?
Germany: Okay, I’ll count! I’ll count for you so settle down now! You’re going to wrinkle the sheets!
Prussia: All right! That’s my awesome little brother for ya!
Germany: I have no choice. I’ll just have to put him to sleep ASAP and get back to work.