Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol 1: The CD Of The Awesome Me – Track 03 “Hahahahahahahahahaha”

  • Based on “Ore-sama no Blog”
  • Translation by: katsu
  • LJ Post


Prussia: I went to check out Austria’s house.”

Austria: “Wait a moment!Prussia!”

Prussia: “Kesesesesesese~”

Austria: “Stop it you fool! I told you before! Stop pinching my cheeks!”

Prussia: “They are really stretchy~Puuu~!”

Austria: “People like you….You allready have my vital regions! Are you not satisfied yet?!”

Prussia: “Kesesesesesesesese~”

Austria: “Prussia! Stop this nonsense! If you don’t then…!”

*BANG* *knockout*

Austria: “Prussia! Are you alright? Prussia? Prussia? Prussiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Prussia: “I really can’t remember what happened after that….”

Germany: “Good grief…as if you couldn’t GUESS what happened…If you use your brain you should be able to figure it out.”

Prussia: “But challenging that is what it means to be a man! Even for you the day will come when you have to challenge something like that alone in a manly way.”

Germany: “That day will never come! Never!”

Announcer: By the way, the vital regions of Austria are called Silesia.