Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol 1: The CD Of The Awesome Me – Track 02 “They’re selling something weird”

  • Based on “Ore-sama no Blog”
  • Translation by: katsu
  • LJ Post

Prussia: Title: He sold something weird

Prussia: “Ah fuck it! That damn you China! To hell with “that stuffed panda will make you happy”! If that would be true then it would help the financial situation somewhere in China too! I won’t be fooled even though it’s April’s Fool! That’s right! I won’t be fooled! There is no way…no way… no way… no way…”


Prussia: “Damn it!”

Germany: “And that’s what happened?”

Prussia: “No! No! This is a…uhm..4000 year old..feng shui thing from China!!!”

Germany: “Feng shui….thing?”

Prussia: “Well, let’s forget about that, ok? Instead, look at THIS photo! That ass Austria…isn’t that photo a masterpiece?”

Germany: “Tsss… why are you doing stupid stuff like that….AGAIN? Being happy about pinching his cheeks…what are you big brother? A little kid?”

Prussia: “I said don’t worry about that! Eh? Hold on a second….after that….”