[Egypt Tag] | [Kitawiki Article]
Human Name: Gupta Muhammad Hassan
[Official Name] Ǧumhūriyyat Maṣr al-ʿArabiyyah (Arab Republic of Egypt)
[Capital] Cairo
[Official Language] Arabic
[Birthday] February 28
[National Flower] Water Lily
[Flag Meaning] Red represents the blood spilled in the revolution, white is the bright future of the country and peace, black is the tyranny of the past, these 3 colours symbolize the wish for Arab unification.
Translation: spaghettifelice
1st Web Bio: A nation that has developed an elegant and high-class civilization since the ancient times, supported by the Nile Delta. Was once occupied by the Roman as well as the Ottoman Empire, but still continued to maintain his own culture. Is extremely proud of not only his culture but also his history. His personality is friendly and faithful, but because it’s hard to figure out what he’s thinking, there is an air of mystery about him.
Traslation: youkofujima
2nd Web/Vol 2 Bio: An individual young man with a mysterious atmosphere. He’s got various good conditions and is pretty stubborn, but in reality he’s friendly and family-minded. Like Greece, if you dig you can find lots of mementoes from his mother, so he thinks it’s fine if he can’t really modernize. You can’t really observe him talking.
Translation: nisecal
Vol 4 Bio: A prominent, yet quiet young man enveloped in a mysterious atmosphere, though he’s rumored to be quite a talker! Tourists from around the world come to visit thanks to his mother’s fortune that she left to him! Turkey has treated him well since the old days, and because of that he quite likes him.
Translation: tarafishes, spaghettifelice