Original (2007/12/25): Bamboo Thicket | Kitayume (archive.is)
Blog Mirror: “2007 Christmas Summary【Original Story Part 4】”
Scanlation: rainy-takako, picnicbird, konkira
Translation Source: LJ Post |

Bonjour, Mr. France Santa.
I have only one wish: please grope Italy and/or Germany with all you’ve got!
I’m hoping with all my heart it’s like the April Fool’s event.
Here’s a request for the “cute” (lol) Santa.
Lately I haven’t seen Germany; even though I love him he’s not around!!
Santa-san, please fetch me the handsome Germany!!!
In your Christmas project, please let Germany and Italy get all lovey-dovey like they never have made out before!!
‘Lovey-dovey’… the usual, eh.
I’m thinking this year I’ll watch over Big Brother France in real time. Mess with Japan, too!! Please!!
That’s the type of delicious thing we save for last.
Joyeux Noel!
It’s the Christmas Bloodbath; if you’re attacking, then go for the “sorcery capital”, England!!
Mess with England with all you’ve got!
If England can be made into an awesome sacrifice, certain demons (like maybe Russia) just might make a compact with Mr. Santa♪
We’re postponing him for later!
Mr. France Santa! Definitely work hard to wash away all the usual feelings of bitterness with Mr. England.
And lastly, Mr. France, I love you…!
I’m coming to wash them away now!
Big Brother France,
I LOVE YOU from ten thousand, and two thousand, years ago!! \(^O^)/
You’re really too amazing.
I love you!!
Me too!
Good evening. It’s finally the 25th! I’m always looking forward to Big Brother France’s activities.
By the way. Since it’s Christmas, I’d like Mr. Austria to play something on the piano…! A Christmas carol or something…
He’s coming up next!
Mr. Santa! Mr. Santa! Mr. Santa!
Switzerland! Could I please have Switzerland!!!
Even better, I think my year should end with seeing the Santa-ravaged Mr. Switzerland!!!
I have a humble request for Big Brother Santa France.
Please strip Switzerland like you’ve got nothing left to lose!
I’d like to imprint into my mind the honorable Big Brother Santa France’s way of life.
I’ll die!
But with France’s soul, I’ll do as much as I can!
My wish to Big Brother France.
For Christmas!
Please strip Germany and Italy at the same time★
That’s “Christmas”?
It’s the same as April Fool’s?!
Big Brother France, good luck!!
I’m looking forward to to the attack! Naked Italy!!
Sorry, Big Brother has failed you.
Please settle for this!!
(PS: Chest hair was shaved.)
You shaved your chest hair?!
Wait, um… I liked you just like you were! But I definitely like the new you, too!
That’s because you’re Big Brother France!
The way you were lunging in the beginning made me laugh so hard. I love that kind of Big Brother France!
For now, this service takes place after April Fool’s.
While you’re celebrating Spain’s economic recovery, at the same time, BANG, I want you to badtouch him with all you’ve got.
So that guy was here!
Obviously I’m intrigued by Germany, who doesn’t get involved with Big Brother France shopkeeper! It’s really bugging me!!
It’s because that guy’s really serious.
To him, a “shopkeeper” is nothing but a “shopkeeper.” Hahaha…
Well, they don’t matter.
To cure this loneliness, why don’t I go to Spain’s house!
I’ll take revenge on Germany and Italy later!!
Big Brother France, pleased to meet you and & good morning & Merry Christmas!
Big Brother France was as great as I expected…! Bloodbath, hooray!
O great Big Brother France, won’t you go to Poland’s house!? Please bring the three Baltic countries together and molest them to your heart’s content! d(≧v≦)
The person behind them is scary!
I remembered April Fool’s when I saw the bloodbath. I wanted to read it, so I looked for it, but… no luck, there’s no diary in April…!!
Pl-please let me have this Christmas present…!
And can I please have Mr. Sve stripped naked. (nosebleed)
I’ll pull the records out from somewhere later on!
Ah, and I might be poking around over there too maybe.
A wish for Mr. Santa.
All you do is look weird, so I’d like to see a cool Big Brother France.
Say that strange expression has become your default face, I will still like you… I think. Probably.
When am I not cool?!
How about you strip Greece here as the revenge of April Fool’s?
I want to see more of Greece!!
If Turkey shows up too, it would be even better!
If you want more of that kid, read on a little further!
My heart… throbbed a little for my shaved Big Brother…
Throb for ALL of me!!
Mr. Santa, I love you! Long live Christmas!
I think you should strip Mr. Russia and Mr. Switzerland too.
Please strip them.
Tomorrow I may be looking down on you from Heaven…
The body count is slowly rising!!
Big Brother France is doing such a GOOD JOB!! I’d like to forever be Big Brother’s ally.
If it’s all right, I want you to do something to the Glasses Group, and Mr. Sve and Austria, too.
Next up, I plan to have a nice, hearty meal at the “young master’s” house!
Damn rich kid… Miss Hungary will probably be with him…
I want to see Switzerland!
I woke up early to see Switzerland!!
I’m asking you, please do your best. (*´∀`*)
Really! Well then, I’ll keep it up.