
[China Tag] | [Kitawiki Article]

China ♂
Human Name: Wang Yao – Age: 4000 (immortal)
[Official Name] 中华人民共和国 (The People’s Republic of China)
[Capital] Beijing
[Official Language] Mandarin Chinese
[Birthday] Uknown
[National Flower] Peony
[Flag Meaning] The large star represents the Chinese Communist Party and the unity of the citizens, the 4 smaller stars represent the workers, peasants, intellectuals, and patriotic capitalists. Yellow symbolizes hope in adversity.
Translation: spaghettifelice

1st Web Bio: A nation that possesses a long history, a large territory, and the roots of Asian culture. Ever since a long time ago, there has been a lot of disputes in the country that changed the nation, but the people are more or less the same. His workers are quick to calculate the costs and benefits, and are straightforward in expressing their emotions. Is also extremely superstitious and religious despite the times. Also, because his nation is well known for its variety of food, gets irritated and nags if there is food that has a pattern of tastes. The current image is China=pandas, but at one time they were handled mostly by Europe and America as an UMA (Unidentified Mysterious Animal).
Traslation: youkofujima

2nd Web/Vol 2 Bio: Seeing him like this makes you think he’s a grandpa or an immortal or something. Here and there, he tries to act like an older brother, but he isn’t treated like one at all. He’s a vacation spot for the world, but he’s always trying to run away from Korea’s house. He’s strangely good at drawing beautiful humans, but when you see his animal characters, you get the feeling you’ve seen them somewhere before. He’s currently obsessed with using strange Japanese words for candy.
Translation: nisecal

Vol 3 Bio: A loss-hating, patronizing, free immortal! Ordinarily halfhearted, in recent years he’s completely changed and now makes a serious effort! Although he is old, his wallet is lonely, and wants to be given anything! Of course he does tai chi chuan in the morning!
Translation: rinrin0

Vol 4 Bio: A considerably old man, and yet he frequently makes himself up to look young! He’s currently obsessed with wearing worn out t-shirts and sandals, and doing Tai Chi Chuan!
Translation: tarafishes

Vol 5 Bio: A young looking ancient being living a tough life surrounded by mysterious things! His pants explode easily! Has many disciples, but is constantly frustrated because of his lack of authority!
Translation: lost-hitsu

Vol 6 Bio: A young looking and skilful old man. He is good with food and aesthetics. They say he’ll eat anything that has four legs unless it’s a chair!
Translation: lost-hitsu

HWS Chapter 43 Bio: China is four thousand years old! He can cook with any ingredient, even junk, and make it delicious! For some reason, whenever something good happens to him, something really horrible immediately follows, so he’s gotten extremely tough mentally. He has everything within his country, and it was like that even when he was a shut in. His “Aru!” expresses dreams, romance, and hope.
Translation: y4nderenka, losthitsu

HWS Vol 4 Bio: [Untranslated]