Some Updates and News
Updates first! World Stars Chapter 291 and Chapter 292 have been added to the site! Also, I didn’t mention it previously, but I’m working on...
A Hetalia Reference Guide
Updates first! World Stars Chapter 291 and Chapter 292 have been added to the site! Also, I didn’t mention it previously, but I’m working on...
I got the translations for the last couple drama tracks of the “Hetalia: Axis Powers W Academy Newspaper Club: Sports Festival Edition!” Drama CD, so...
Just wanted to mention that chapters 288-290 have been added to the World Stars section!
Today marks the 8th year anniversary for Hetarchive! Starting back on July 22, 2009, I can’t believe it’s been so long! To celebrate, I’m releasing...
It took a good while, but I went ahead and moved the World Stars chapters over to wordpress so I could finally get caught up...
I was really busy for a few weeks. I finally got back to doing some work on the site. You’ll probably notice the Scanlations drop...
Just to announce, I have been working on moving over the Nonlinear strips to wordpress. There’s a lot of them, so it’ll take a while,...
First of all, I apologize for the lack of updates. I’ve been a little busy, and with the uncertainty of what may happen with livejournal,...
The past week I’ve been working on transferring the Drama CD translations over. They are finally available again, along with a more extensive catalogue of...
Hello! As you can see, we’re trying out something new for the site! We’re switching over to a WordPress site so that we can integrate...
Original (2007/03/03): Bamboo Thicket | Kitayume ( Blog Mirror: “Lithuania’s Outsourcing Sequel” Scanlation: youkofujima, konkira Translation Source: LJ Post ■Lithuania’s Out-Sourcing Series Epilogue■ ...