[Belgium Tag] | [Kitawiki Article]
[Capital] Brussels
[Official Language] Dutch, French, German
[National Flower] Tulip
[Flag meaning] Black, yellow, and red are associated with the traditional coat of arms, on which a yellow lion with a red tongue sticking out stands on black background.
Translation: spaghettifelice
Vol 3 Bio: A diligent, kind, meddlesome, and friendly older sister! Although her features stand out, her clothes are simple and not very conspicuous! Loves gourmet and tasty snacks!
Translation: rinrin0
Vol 4 Bio: A kind, soft, sociable big sister. She loves her food compared to her older brother, who is more laid-back about his food. Her freshly-made waffles are delicious!
Translation: tarafishes, spaghettifelice