Nonlinear – 5 Year Anniversary Commemoration Comic

Original (2008/05/25) | LJ Post
Scanlation: gomidog

【 5 years of Kitayume!】


Thanks to all of you, we’ve reached out fifth year!
Thank you so much.

■In Commemoration of our Fifth Anniversary■

In June, Kitayume is going to turn five years old! Thank you!

【 mittagunee 】
In the dialect of the region from north Kantou to Touhoku on the pacific coast,
this expression means “embarrased” or “shameful”
Depending on the area “Kakkowarii” and “Shoshii” are also used.

Apparently they also use “mittagunee” in Aomori and Hokkaido.
Thanks for letting me know.
It seems that the word “mittagunee” is pretty common in Hokkaido, actually.

【Crayfish Festival:Kraftskiva】
A festival that originated in Sweden, which then migrated to Finland
and began to be celebrated by the rest of the Scandinavian countries.
At the end of summer, you take the crayfish that have been
caught and munch on them while wearing a silly party hat.

It’s the best when you boil them and eat them with your fingers.
(Usually Swedes don’t eat a lot of finger food.
They only eat these crayfish and snacks at parties like that, apparently.)

The author has also crunched on crayfish he caught as a kid
with his friends in the river in his old neighborhood.
However, the crayfish I pulled out of the Abukuma River were dangerous.

I thought I’d draw a picture of Greece to commemorate this occasion,
but I screwed it up. I’ll try again.