Hetalia Fantasia – Track 03 “Special Talk”

Daisuke Namikawa – Italy
Hiroki Takahashi – Japan

NAMIKAWA: Yes! So many thanks to everyone, first of all, I hope you enjoyed Hetalia=Fantasia. The scenario was written just for this by Himaruya-sensei! Isn’t that fantastic. From here on, the awesome cast will be delivering short messages.

TAKAHASHI: (in Japan’s voice) Hello everyone, this is Hiroki Takahashi as Japan, from the land of the rising sun Zipang. Excuse me, I am sorry. Hey! Namikawa-kun, thanks for today.

NAMIKAWA: Thank you too-.

TAKAHASHI: Yes, thank you.

NAMIKAWA: You said you wouldn’t do it as Japan!

TAKAHASHI: (in normal voice) Hahaha! Only up to here. I can’t do any more ad-lib anymore, I’m sorry, I’ll return to normal.


TAKAHASHI: Thanks to our fans, Hetalia seems to be gaining much popularity.

NAMIKAWA: Yes, that’s true~ Thanks to them, the 1st, 2nd volumes of the DVDs are on sale, and they’re looking in good shape.

TAKAHASHI: It seems that you can enjoy the ED theme sung by the various countries as a bonus too. You can enjoy such aspects as well.

NAMIKAWA: Character songs too…how was your experience singing?

TAKAHASHI: (stuttering) Oh, um..well…

NAMIKAWA: It’s too cool/stylish for its own good…

TAKAHASHI: Baka! Don’t say that. Idiot! (laughter) No, it’s a very fitting song for Japan, very elegant, and well, since we’re all acting in Japanese, Japan is probably the character our audience can relate to the most, and that puts pressure on me…oh, I’m making such serious comments

NAMIKAWA: Oh, no it’s ok, so many wonderful people around us (Takahashi’s laughter) By the way, what is the title for your song? Maybe some people haven’t heard yet, although I don’t think anyone hasn’t heard it…

TAKAHASHI: Yes, well, the first song in the single is titled “Excuse me, I’m sorry” (Namikawa’s laughter) A title filled with humility, hahaha. The character CDs were advertised like THAT, but…”Excuse me, I’m sorry”…

NAMIKAWA: That’s the title?


NAMIKAWA: I’m looking forward to it~ I haven’t bought it yet.

TAKAHASHI: Please buy it!

NAMIKAWA: Yes, I’ll buy it.


NAMIKAWA: Yes, and ny song was “The Delicious Tomato Song”.

TAKAHASHI: Yes, you sang a tomato song.

NAMIKAWA: Yeah, it was pretty fun.

TAKAHASHI: Well, that song too featured the characteristics of the countries, and each one will probably be different. I hope you (audience) will listen to and compare them.

NAMIKAWA: Well…this time it is a special all-service CD as a joint project between Hetalia comic volume 2 and Comic Birz. Can you believe it? You had to buy both and apply for one!

TAKAHASHI: Oh! So much trouble!

NAMIKAWA: Very difficult! When it says “all-service CD” you feel that there’s lots of service…but you had to buy both!

TAKAHASHI: You had to expressly buy both…ugh, so sorry for this…

NAMIKAWA: Sometimes you get mixed up with Japan…

TAKAHASHI: I’m not getting mixed! Modesty is a necessary virtue for all, not just for Japan’s character.

NAMIKAWA: Just before, when the mike fell off, I was really taken by surprise…

TAKAHASHI: Well, that’s true for both of us! We’re the ones who are supposed to try our best in such situations!

NAMIKAWA: We have to show our cheerful self all the time… Eh…(looking at paper?) it says here to say that this might continue if there’s enough demand!

TAKAHASHI: (in Japan’s voice, very formal language) This work all depends on the support of our fans. Depending on your encouragement, this show will be able to continue. Kindly give us your support as you see fit. From Japan.

NAMIKAWA: Oh~ it seems that you put it all together in a nice way.

TAKAHASHI: I did want to use more difficult vocabulary, but…

NAMIKAWA: No, it was fantastic, thank you~

TAKAHASHI: Thank you.

Katsuyuki Konishi – America (speaking alone! So lonely.)

KONISHI: Hey hey! Hello everyone, this is Katsuyuki Konishi as America. Hey, hey! What happened everyone, huh? Don’t be so quiet, you could say “thanks” and stuff!! …Yes, I’ll stop the farce now, I’m all alone. Anyway, thank you so much this time for purchasing Hetalia volume 2 and Comic Birz. You had to buy both to obtain this CD, you probably all really love Hetalia! I’m always ripping my capillaries as I yell and shout as America, but it’s really enjoyable, and it seems that I’m reducing my stress level! So, this bonus was based on a game theme, and, well, I think that games are about the only development that hasn’t been done yet. Using this as the theme, some game developer out there! We’re waiting! Haha, anyway, in the near future, I’d love to see a Hetalia with all the countries around the world, please continue your support, thank you very much!

[T/N: The whole “capillaries” expression probably referred to how characters in manga are shown with bulging veins when angry or under stress, and Konishi felt that his veins were popping out while yelling so much. Or so I think, not 100% sure.]

Hiroki Yasumoto – Germany
Noriaki Sugiyama – England
Masaya Onosaka – France
Yuki Kaida – China
Yasuhiro Takato – Russia
Motoki Takagi – Hong Kong

YASUMOTO: Hey, I’m Germany (parody of Ossu, ora Goku! from Dragon Ball?) This is Hiroki Yasumoto. (SOMEONE: That’s horrible.) It’s not horrible! (not sure what’s being said here…) France-san says to not take this seriously since this is an all-service CD, but I will take it seriously, since I am Germany. I think that those who bought the comic is listening to this, but, (aside) I’ll shut that old man up later on, with all my power. (end aside) I hope you’ll watch the anime as well, not just the manga, which will make me happy. (aside) No one’s going to comment? (SOMEONE: You could just speak nicely here.) Oh, is that so? (end aside) Anyway, were you able to enjoy this? I will be doing lots more in the future, so please enjoy them too!

SOMEONE: What about the theme, “Games and Germany?”

YASUMOTO: Games and Germany? What kind…hmm, what kind of games are German? Car games? (aisde, after people started laughing at someone who just cracked a joke) Don’t say “whoooo!” You should complain about that guy! (end aside) Anyway, there’s probably car games in Germany! …Thank you! (SOMEONE: That was horrible! along with laughter)

SUGIYAMA: …yes, so thank you to everyone. I’m Sugiyama as England. Well…this time was kind of like a joke…as an online game…with countries from around the world playing as characters. Featuring the characteristics of all the countries, I would be really happy if this was expanded…now I don’t know how to tie this up. Well, we’re getting along just fine at the recording studio. This seems to be an all-service CD for those who bought Comic Birz, so maybe, just maybe there might be some who haven’t watched the anime yet, and I really recommend that those persons will watch the animation as well, not just the drama CD. This was Sugiyama as England!

ONOSAKA: (sounds so drunk!) Comic Birz!…yes, anyway, Masaya Onosaka as France. Well, they always talk about all-service CDs, and, WHO are they TALKING ABOUT when they say “everyone”? That’s the problem! This time…we acted as for an ONLINE GAME. (YASUMOTO?: Don’t you love online games?) Well, I love online games, but like this time, well, I haven’t used France’s voice a SINGLE TIME! Because I was put far away, and when I said “Heeey!” to everyone, there was no place to include France’s cool parts! It was very difficult! (OTHERS: He’s drunk…) Anyway, this was the second installation in the all-service CDs…yes…it was the first type of second installation…it was the first installation! So did..everyone miss out on the first installation? Well, so this was the first installation, and if this gets positive reviews, there will be a second, third installation, all following the same online game theme. In the end we’ll defeat s*bleep*! (OTHES: In the end?!) Really, please support by buying the DVDs and MORE and MORE may come out! Just kidding! Bye!

[T/N: the s*bleep* probably refers to a slime, the weakest monster in the Dragon Quest series and representative of the “weakest enemy” in video games]

KAIDA: Hello, this is Yuki Kaida. (YASUMOTO?: Oh, she speaks normally!) Thank you so much for listening to this Comic Birz all-service CD. (random talk) To those who listened to this, please watch the anime as well! By the way…this might need a bleep…I ordered an all-service CD from *bleep* the other day. (ONOSAKA: Who cares! That has nothing to do with Comic Birz!) …and I was so happy when the DVD case arrived! It’s a very pleasant thing, all-service CDs. Please continue your support, and thank you!

TAKATO: Eh…Kolkolkol…kolkolkolkol. This is Yasuhiro Takato as Russia. Thank you very much…because everyone purchased, right?


TAKATO: Yes, so they had to purchase the magazine, right?

ONOSAKA: Oohh, yeah. You should thank us instead!


YASUMOTO: You like to do service~

TAKATO: Anyway, what should I do? Online games…”ch”-I’m not really familiar.

YASUMOTO: He meant to say “chinpunkanpun” (meaning “all Greek to me”).

KAIDA: No, he meant to say “the chinjyuu (meaning “rare animal”) of the gaming world”.

ONOSAKA: Oh, I thought he was going to say ch*bleep* (probably said chinko, you can google the meaning :P)

TAKATO: NOOOOO!! You can’t do that~

YASUMOTO: If you do that one more time, I will kick you out.

TAKATO: I don’t really know about games, so…sorry.

KAIDA: You don’t have to apologize!

NAMIKAWA: So then you can talk about connections with the anime.

TAKATO: Connections? As an actor…is that not good enough? (YASUMOTO: Advertise!) Advertise? Ok, so…please continue supporting Hetalia Axis Powers! There are drama CDs, and there are animes! Please watch! After this…I probably have to sing too.

TAKAGI: Hi, this is Motoki Takagi as Hong Kong. It’s Hong Kong-san! This raises your spirits, saying Hong Kong-san… So this is the first appearance, and lots of information is flying around, but..so is Hong Kong a teppan-yaki seller? (YASUMOTO: No.) And so this story is about an online game? (OTHERS: yes) And this is the beginning arc for this online game story?

ONOSAKA: Yes, and the one coming out next month is about until reaching level 5.

YASUMOTO: But Germany already reached level 50.

TAKAGI: Oh~ so this is a story about adventuring while keeping Germany in the front lines.

YASUMOTO: This is getting all confusing, you should read the comics.

TAKAGI: You can’t lose focus…you tend to read between each and every line. Since I’m just joining today, I looked up about each character.


KAIDA: So natural!

TAKAGI: So fun! Please continue your support in the future!

NAMIKAWA: Ok, so those were the comments from the beastly gathering.


NAMIKAWA: This was interesting, I’m always with Germany-you are too-but this time it’s just the two of us.

TAKAHASHI: We’re never alone together.

NAMIKAWA: So, this is time to wrap up….

TAKAHASHI: Yes, the conclusion must be made by Italy.

NAMIKAWA: Well, I’m sure everyone noticed, but the opening was done by Hiroki-san, and I requested the conclusion.

TAKAHASHI: You’re going to reveal that?

NAMIKAWA: …but I was actually supposed to do that.

TAKAHASHI: …so according to the script you were supposed to end with such a way–

NAMIKAWA: Yes, but I already told the first player.

TAKAHASHI: Yeah, I already said it.

NAMIKAWA: Anyway, the staff and cast both will continue to work to make Hetalia fun–please continue supporting! I would really like to continue this for a long time, thin and long…

TAKAHASHI: Yes, since the weekly anime is only 5 minutes each-

NAMIKAWA: Yeah, people way it’s WAY too “thin”!

TAKAHASHI: So instead of doing it all at once as “WHAM”, it’s going to be a work like something in the corner of the closet that you pick out whenever you remember.

NAMIKAWA: Yes, I hope everyone keeps supporting us to the end. Although we don’t know what the future holds, everything depends on you. Thank you very much! So to conclude-*hold*-Pastaaaa~!

TAKAHASHI: …huh?…I am sorry.