Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol 1: The CD Of The Awesome Me – Track 07 “Nyah”

  • Based on “Ore-sama no Blog”
  • Translation by: katsu
  • LJ Post

Italy: He~ these are photos of the Nordics~. Iceland, Sweden..Ah! It’s Finland! But, why did you take these photos?

Prussia: OU! Because somebody requested photos of the Nordics so I went to get them.

Italy: Wow~ As one would expect from Germany’s big brother~Devoted…and your eyes are honest~

Prussia: Italy-chan….praising me like that..hahahahahahah YES! I put my life in danger numerous times while completing this task! But since I’m not a pansy! I didn’t back down and-!

Italy: I think this cat is really cute!

Prussia: Cat?!

Italy: Nyaaaaa~

Prussia: Nya? Ah! That’s from the time when I went to Greece.

Prussia: While I was trying to attack a place where I could have an afternoon nap..Yes! This is the story of when, in the dry heat of summer, you could almost call it a vacation, I went to Italy-chan’s house but he has urgent work stuff to attend to, so inevitably I strolled over to Greece. Without thinking anything, I lay down on a bench and then….out of nowhere I was attacked by this ominous black shadow and I thought it would cover my face!Ahhh~….this was a really dreadful experience. You could even say that it’s a miracle that I’m still alive…
OH! A comment from Italy-chan!!

Italy: Wah! It’s Greece! Greece is a good place ne~ The girls are cute, the food is good~ It was awesome~ He threw me out though….

Russia: Warm places are nice, ne~ I want to try and have an afternoon nap at a place like this too! I long for an ocean that won’t freeze all year long.

Prussia: Personally, I want to pretend that I never saw Russia’s comment….
Italy-chan, if you come to my house, you can stay as long as you like.
To Russia: If you sleep there you will be attacked by cats so I won’t recommend it.

Italy: He~ you took a lot of photos of cats! Yay~ Your digital camera is really interesting. Mine is kinda..full of photos of girls and..Germany.

Germany: What are you taking pictures of?

Prussia: Kyaa~! That’s why you are so CUTE Italy-chan!

Germany: Ha~.. Brother, Italy, it’s almost time for lunch. What do you want?

Italy: I want something that’s not that dry ravioli thing~

Germany: Dr…Well sorry that they were DRY!

Italy: I think you should use more sauce. The vegetables were good so if you eat it like that it’s a complete waste~

Prussia: AH~ I’m good with anything.

Italy: Anything~

Prussia: Ah~ Please leave out just one thing….