The newest Hetalia chapter is out…
Translation: don_amoeba
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The newest Hetalia chapter is out…
Translation: don_amoeba
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I’ll start wrapping things up around 7.
Luxembourg’s costume turned out to be pretty scary.
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Translation: hikari-kaitou
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Continuing from a few more replies.
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At first, she was a softer character,
but because strong women showed up a lot in Vietnam’s history, she ended up being very strong-willed.
I think about her while I watch the Vietnam episode of “Somewhere Street”.
I will, like, pause for a bit on the mini characters
I’m preparing biggish sizes of the Allies wallpapers.
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Click on them to make them bigger. Those who didn’t have flowers from the start have become kind of bland.
It seems that Mr. April Fool plans to start posting at 7.
(T/N: Flowers in their hair, I’m guessing?)
Translation: hikari-kaitou
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