I’m a just a little really late for Switzerland’s national founding day. (;´ヮ`)
Gessler, the evil Hapsburg bailiff* who was the villain in the story of Swiss hero William Tell, telling everyone to bow before his hat was kind of cute.
Switzerland was recklessly vigorous until he lost to France, wasn’t he?
It’s great that he was able to continue to protect his country after that by earning foreign money as a mercenary and taking a position of armed neutrality and such.
I plan to update the replies and volume 4 extras a little today.
Thank you for your thoughts on, “That and America’s Volume, This is the Center of the World!”
I’ll be most happy if you enjoy the columns and manga!
America is a mysterious and interesting country!
■Bonus: America’s Mysterious food

This is kinda different than the udon that I know.

Blue potato chips. Why did they make them blue!?
Translation: y4nderenka
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