I’m sorry. Ladonia’s English spelling should have used the letter L, not R. (;´・ω・) This is a typo correction.
Translation: spaghettifelice, don_amoeba, jammerlea
I’m sorry. Ladonia’s English spelling should have used the letter L, not R. (;´・ω・) This is a typo correction.
Translation: spaghettifelice, don_amoeba, jammerlea
Character design descriptions for the micronations. (Himaruya)
Translation: spaghettifelice, don_amoeba, jammerlea
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Opening the Great Micronation Convention
#Hetalia Newest Chapter Release
□With Christmas, Paris, and Noises□
【 There was a time Santa Claus got executed 】
There was a time that everyone’s favourite Santa, called Pere Noel
in French, got executed. It really happened in France
in the Normandy region city of Dijon.
[T/N: I think he meant Burgundy region, because there is a Dijon there but not Normandy, according to Google.]
The protagonist of Christmas is not Santa!
“Santa is nothing but a lie!” proclaimed the enraged clergy,
and on December 23rd an effigy of Santa was dealt the punishment
of being burned at the stake on a plaza in front of a cathedral.
During that incident the dreams of the children
running about France were crushed…
The day after that was Christmas Eve.
The one who staged Santa’s revival was the mayor of that time.
□Help Engy-Engy□
□1000 Years of Christmas□
Translation: pialet, voyaaage, hagane-no-mame, nice-babana, rinrin0
Original Translated Version | Original
■Splendid isolation■
■A worrywart■
Sealand and Latvia
Extract it and click on CROW to start playing.
I’ve bundled it with CROW.
The dialogues have sort of increased.
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Translation: kurukurumaki
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