Scanlation: spaceinvaderdud, chulchinmae
Original Translated Version | Original
Scanlation: spaceinvaderdud, chulchinmae
Original Translated Version | Original
At the moment, Lithuania is getting help from Poland in a desperate attempt to become independent both culturally and economically.
And he’s desperately getting in their way.
Hang in there, Lithuania.
And please notice Latvia once in a while.
Scanlation: youkofujima, konkira
Original Translated Version | Original
■Christmas Doodles■
Part 1 “Pumpkin Panties”
Part 2 “Red Panties”
Everyone’s Own Christmas:
Japan: Called to attend America’s party out of obligation.
England: Called to attend America’s party out of obligation.
Brought a Christmas tree to show off with, but because
America’s was so huge and impressive, he ended up crying.
France: Went to the party at America’s place to eat and
drink and take girls home.
Russia: Spent the day in a dignified manner.
China: Cried.
Translation: pomgrenadier, panjapanja
Original Translated Version: 1, 2, 3 | Original