Next update around 6.
Translation: lost_hitsu, kurukurumaki
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>I’d like to see the England, Japan and Netherlands trio, the three who give the strange impression that they wouldn’t get very rowdy if they got together.
>Please make him wear a strange T-shirt!
He saw the main character of a movie wearing it and couldn’t help wondering about it.
Translation: hikari-kaitou
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By the way, it seems that you can just walk into a pub in England and call for a naked butler to appear at your party or event. It sounds like fun.
Translation: hikari-kaitou
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Good morning!
It’s become a pretty long Halloween. Hahahaha.
Even when the main story ends,
the whole month of November might end up with an atmosphere of Halloween
from the requests and chibi-characters and omake manga↓ lineup.
Today, I’ll keep doing the requests and manga updates starting around 11.
Translation: y4nderenka
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↑I’m in the process of decorating them.
Thanks for your requests!
Translation: hikari-kaitou
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I couldn’t decide whether to pour my efforts into drawing England and France in one of their battle uniforms, or if I should go with something a bit different than usual.
↓I simply added a second part to the article below.
There’s still more to Grandpa Rome’s story that’s yet to come. It’ll be posted little by little.
Translation: hikari_kaitou
LJ | Original
This is how battles on the ice usually turn out, so in general it’s best not to risk it, but when they succeed it’s pretty cool. Upon seeing the Swedish army marching towards them on the ice, it seems that the Danish army promptly lost their will to fight. By the way, Sweden was in a terrible mood because Russia had his arm around Finland’s shoulders at the time.
The manga kind of gives the impression that Norway is completely disinterested in Denmark, but they were actually working quite well together at the time and I think it was pretty nice.
Many years later, after Norway had been oppressed by the more powerful country, he and Denmark drifted apart. When Norway entered a union with Sweden, Denmark sent him a letter or something in which he threw a childish tantrum and cut their ties, after which the goodwill towards Norway seemed strangely decreased, but that’s another story.
Things got a little better for him later, thanks to Denmark.
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I’ve added Latvia to the (Halloween) Costume page.
Because I put in the colours, it’s now gone past 12AM.
Next time I’ll practice drawing sooner.
I’ve put colours on Russia and I am doing the colouring.
Today’s target is to update the Costume page, at least the Nordics, since I’ve finished one of my jobs.
I’m sorry that it takes time to finish those costumes updates.
It’s Christmas soon (this year). I’ll do my best for this year end!
I’m so looking forward to next year~.
Translation: aselav, spaghettifelice
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