Artsy Micronations…
#Hetalia Newest Chapter Release
I’m sorry. Ladonia’s English spelling should have used the letter L, not R. (;´・ω・) This is a typo correction.
Translation: spaghettifelice, don_amoeba, jammerlea
Character design descriptions for the micronations. (Himaruya)
Translation: spaghettifelice, don_amoeba, jammerlea
tumblr | Original
I updated the top page illustration!
As a bonus I will be distributing it as a wallpaper.
After I designed it and finished putting it together and saving it, this was the only size available orz
This time with the two formats on the top page, there will be one more format after the manga is drawn.
For some reason I drew the heights in the image as (from shortest to tallest)
Wy < Ladonia = Kugelmugel < Sealand <<<< Molossia < Seborga < Hutt River
I’ll do my best for the manga!
Also, the link for the Nordics picture became strange.
I immediately fixed this. From now on I’ll be more careful!
Thank you for reporting!
Translation: spaghettifelice
LJ | Original