Artsy Micronations…
#Hetalia Newest Chapter Release
Pleased to make your acquaintance…
#Hetalia Newest Chapter Release
I’m sorry. Ladonia’s English spelling should have used the letter L, not R. (;´・ω・) This is a typo correction.
Translation: spaghettifelice, don_amoeba, jammerlea
Character design descriptions for the micronations. (Himaruya)
Translation: spaghettifelice, don_amoeba, jammerlea
tumblr | Original
If it doesn’t register on his art sensor, his body rejects it.
Translation: hikari-kaitou
LJ | original
I got a mail saying those two are very alike.
Drawing them together like this, it’s maybe true – with their similar haircolour and other things.
If those two were to spend time together, I’d say Iceland would be thoroughly ordered around.
Drawing at the moment. I finally slept enough for the first time in ages!
Translation: lost_hitsu
LJ | Original