Omochi Summary 1

■Omochi Summary■

【A mochi-mochi life form】

A mysterious life form that was born from
the emoticon([∂]ω[∂])I received in an email.
For some reason, it’s been decided that they eat lettuce.

There are mochis born from different countries.
And they apparently speak their mother language… but, not the most fluently.


Continue reading Omochi Summary 1

To your Heart’s Content, Russia!

■ To your heart’s content, Russia! ■

Russia decided to build a waterway that would connect Leningrad with the White Sea. Since it was something that Stalin had thought of on a whim, true to the maxim: “Build it immediately, within the next 2 years”, or “Since there’s no money, there’s no materials or anything. Well, keep working” the final structure turned out positively Russian in quality.

■ To your heart’s content, Russia! 2 ■

And so, Russia did construction work. However, all that was available on site were wheelbarrows and shovels. In an era when cars were running through the streets and airplanes soared through the skies, they used wheelbarrows and shovels. Even though it was the 20th century, they were working on an ancient Egyptian level.

And the time span for completion was just one year.

Can you even build a canal, Russia!?

Continue reading To your Heart’s Content, Russia!

You be Italy, and I’ll be Germany

■ And it’ll be bad if you keep clinging on to me ■

I think it would be interesting to have a simulation game of a German commander trying to control Italian troops. Of course, the German would probably get totally stressed out, and if you aren’t careful, it might turn into Postal 2.

[T/N: Postal 2]

Continue reading You be Italy, and I’ll be Germany