>I really want to see an illustration of my favourite Boss Spain and Romano vv
Feliz Navidad!!
Translation: tacchin_tasania
LJ | Original
>I really want to see an illustration of my favourite Boss Spain and Romano vv
Feliz Navidad!!
Translation: tacchin_tasania
LJ | Original
>I want an adorable sort of Switzerland!
It seemed kinda impossible.
>Mame Daifuku-chan!
It’s like this right now.
Translation: spaghettifelice
>I think I’ll be happy throughout 2010 just by seeing Turkey and Greece talking about nothing.
Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
Unimportant pieces of trivia
・There is quite a large market near the Greek border of Turkey, and it’s almost exclusively for Greeks
・Greece is called Yunanistan in Turkish
・When you drive along the Aegean coast in Turkey, every once in a while you’ll happen to see signboards with the Japanese, Turkish, and Greek flags lined up
・If you go out of your way to try them, Turkish sweets can be great
In addition, if you ask for Turkish coffee…
Translation: pialet, spaghettifelice
LJ | Original
>I love Mr. Sve!
I want to see Mr. Sve on Christmas!
He’s watching Disney films at home on Christmas Eve.
Translation: spaghettifelice
>I don’t know if you will accept my request, but I would be very happy if you drew Englandさん and Japanさん!
They are my favorite characters and I would like to see them together in a Christmas-themed drawing. (`・ω・´)
Thank You for Your Request!
>I spent yesterday just having cup noodles. I want Italy to make me feel better.
Eat something good today!
Translation: spaghettifelice