Apologize to Ukyo-san!!*

>Please would you bring out Miss Liechtenstein and Miss Belarus!?

This is what happened.

As the Christmas comic continues for a little longer, it looks as though 8 days have passed Japan time.
Thank you for your thoughts and requests! (^_^*)

[T/N: *A quote from a SNK/King of Fighters parody.]

Translation: jammerlea, spaghettifelice


>I’d like to see Prussia alone but not lonely.

Psychologically, he’s still in a state where he’s all alone with one animal

>Liechten as mini-skirt santa would make me feel fine

>And it would be best if there was reindeer Switzerland

At once his defense is strengthened greatly!

>As for my request, happy looking Ukraine please.

Різдвом Христовим!

>I want France Niichan to wish me a Merry Christmas

Translation: solss, tuulensisko
LJ | Original

Congratulations on beginning a new year. Please treat me well this year too.

Ein gluckliches Neues Jahr! Felice Anno Nuovo! С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ!
Happy New Year!Bonne année! 新年好!恭喜发财! 恭喜發財!

Thank you for everything in 2009.
Please treat me well in 2010 too.

Translation: jammerlea