3 thoughts on “Germany’s puppy”

  1. You should probably change it to “it”? Himaruya doesn’t specifically say that it’s a male dog. (Though one of the Birz says that one is Berlitz and Berlitz is male. . .but Germany’s Character CD’s disk said it was Aster.)

      1. Same here. /o\ Maybe we could ask for one. . .if he comes back, it’d still take months before he gets to it, but at least it’d be addressed. . . .

        . . .It doesn’t directly say it, but it does give their names, and Berlitz’ is colored and shaped a bit more like a German Shepherd’s tail, I think(though one side should be more smooth,) while Aster’s. . .the color is weird but it looks sort of like that’s because it’s on a disk or it’s gradient(you can see the end of Blackie’s tail also being pale and then Berlitz’ also gradually gets lighter, while Aster’s starts light and gets darker,) but the shape is more hovawart-like. Aster could be the German Shepherd, but I think the tail would be less dark if it were intentionally colored that way. or maybe I’m just analyzing the fuck out of everything which is way more probable but several other people agreed with me so I’d like to think I’m not crazy.

        Also, in the Character CD guide you can see the rest of the Shepherd’s tail and it’s dark at the end which actually sort of rules out all three of them lol. We know which one is Blackie because he’s right here. his tail matches pretty well. except where we see the gradient taking effect on the color.

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