A lot of France

■Big Brother France and That Kid

Jeanne d’Arc and France.
(In the future I’ll add a link for the story of Miss Jeanne and Mr France.)

By the way, I pondered if I should use the actual people in Hetalia
but I decided to use vague expressions such as “boss” or “that girl.”

Countries and people are somehow co-existing.


Now that I think about it,
until Napoleon mentioned about Jeanne d’Arc,
he totally forgot about her.
Bad guy…

↑England somehow always ends up with the role as a villain.
In the movies and novels related to Jeanne d’Arc, he is treated like a demon. In movies, villains are usually played by the Brits.
Do your best, England.

Yup. Do your best, England.


Translation: jammerlea, algidwind
Original Translated Version: 1, 2 | Original