History Copy Book no. 5

I was surprised to see these kind of shops in Finland’s beautiful towns so out in the open, like they were completely normal.
They’d even name it straight up “Giant @#$%”
They all had straightforward sorts of designs that didn’t even try to hide that they were “that kind of shop.”
Finland, sometimes you scare me…!

I’m very sorry that January’s Hetalia World ☆ Stars are so short…!
From mid-February onwards, there will be more pages in HW☆S, as well as the recovery and return of historical characters.
Even so, it’s so lively when France is around.

>You mentioned before that Japan can no longer see his country’s mythical creatures, but I thought it would be wonderful if, say by using England’s mysterious “Hoatta!” power, he became able to interact with them again, even for a short time.

You’re right; it would be wonderful. If he were to try interacting with them the way he is now, it would probably go something like this:

England: “Hey, there’s an odd looking chap here to see you. Says his name is ‘Youkai’…”
Japan: “So this is the work of a youkai, then?!”

[T/N: Youkai is a generic term for Japanese mythical creatures.]

>I’ve decided to research a certain country for a school project. However, typing “Liechtenstein children” [in Japanese] into the search bar doesn’t turn up many good results. Can you recommend any good books or sites I can use?

There simply isn’t much material available on Liechtenstein in general, so I’d recommend a DVD called “Small Countries of the World~ Europe II.” It gives a visual introduction of the living conditions in Liechtenstein and is pretty interesting.
Also, it’s kind of an old book so some things may have changed since it was written, but Ikubundo Publishing’s book “Miniature Country, Liechtenstein” is all about Liechtenstein, so I recommend it as well.。

If you search “Liechtenstein children” [in English] you should get a decent amount of results with info about the current living conditions in Liechtenstein.

>What sort of reference materials do you use for Medieval fashion?

Fashion: The Whole Story
Historic Costime in Pictures
What People Wore
What People Wore When
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Western Armor and Weapons

As well as various other references. Costumes are cool no matter what era they come from, don’t you think?

>Strikes… A horrible curse that saps uninformed travelers of their energy and makes a mess of their plans. Travelers will be thinking “Aww yeah, I’m finally gonna get to see that painting in person,” only to find that the art museum is on strike. It stops tourists’ thoughts in their tracks… ( ゚д゚)

That kind of stuff definitely happens.

Translation: hikari-kaitou, kurukurumaki
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