
The costumes for the two Nordics are up!
Only two more to go…

And next will be the manga by the top picture!

>For the Gun series I want MG13 for Boss and Portugal!

144cm is very big…!!

>I want to know what you usually wear!

I wear jerseys!

>I want to read a new comic!

Yeah. I’ve drew a lot of the costumes so after
I finish with the Nordics I will soon write the comic.
But first I will change the top picture!

>Does Iceland like coke?

>For Cambodia/Hong Kong, if there is a place that is
recommended or I should definitely go, please tell me.

For Hong Kong you should definitely at least go to Victoria Peak.
It’s really amazing! If you go there you would want to go on the Peak Tram
but in the evening it’s so crowded in both the going
and back even the locals say you should not go so it’s best to go by taxi or a bus.
In the daytime it’s relatively uncrowned.

For meals a Hong Konger said that if you avoid tourist sites
and go where there are many locals you would usually be good.

I’ve never went to Cambodia but I want to see the angkor wat one day!

>I think the stories about Japan are mostly around the Meiji period.
I have fantasized about Japan around with famous people
a little while back (around the Sengoku and the Heian period),
but how would it be in Hetalia?

Come to think of it, there are a lot of stories in the Meiji
because I love the Meiji and Taishou era.
Even though it was closed-doors policy it still had relations
with other countries so it might be fun to include things like that!
I think it would be nice to learn and draw about it.

>I remember in a character setting while back is that America’s
hobby is archaeology, but did he actually mess with Greece or Egypt’s garden?
Or is he going to continue his endless pursuit for a dreamlike land called Canada.

In reality they actually did mess with their gardens lol.
I think he loves things that tickle his adventurous spirit.

Even though from the start America’s hobby is archaeology
and shooting guns there aren’t much scenes that he does so,
he might be quite happy going to Africa in the
Comic Birz series about the North African Campaign.

America’s such a country with guns that there is a person who
made a living by hunting with guns and after they grew up they
started a show with his talent of guns and became famous,
so America’s must also be good with guns!

>>I am so excited for last year~.
>Can I be excited too?(*´ω`*)

(・ヮ・)b Yeah!!

Translation: xicedlemonteax, spaghettifelice
LJ | Original

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