Hetalia Fantasia 3

Thanks for your passionate thoughts towards Hetalia Fantasia!
I’m really glad that you guys are looking forward to it.
In any case, the voice actors’ performances were most passionate.

There were more who applied the most for this 3rd one.
For those who said, “I haven’t heard the 1st and 2nd!”
I wonder if I can give the 1st and 2nd parts that I have to readers as a present.
I’ll try to suggest this.

And regarding the voice actors, they–heheheh

A few replies continue from here

This Japan cat is clearly despairing about life.

>Do you have any books that go into detail about the Anglo-Japanese alliance?

If these three books exist in Japan, I would recommend them,
because they’re filled with people born and bred in Edo,
from stories of Brits doing their best in entering the hot hot baths,
to the progress of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, comparison of cultures, they have everything.
England getting rid of Russia was such a promising thing!
You can also unwind with a story about the celebration of a ship’s completion.

>When I see Ms. Hungary, I sort of remember a legend I heard when I went there.
It’s brief, but I want to write a bulleted summary.

・Two princes argue over who should succeed the throne
・Their father, who is the king, “You can succeed by finding a white deer☆”
・One of them finds the white deer in a remote place
・But it was such a lovely place, so he settled there
・The other prince ruled the country, which returned to the way it was

With this to refer to Japan and Hungary, I heard that those who believe the legend think that Hungary and Japan are siblings.

Thanks for the info about Hungary.
Come to think of it, Turkey (moon, star, and sun) and Kyrgyzstan (meat and fish) also have legends like that.

[T/N: Referring to a legend of the relationship between Japan, the sun of the east, and Turkey, the moon and star of the west, referring to their flags.
And explaining Japan’s relationship with Kyrgyzstan:
“Long ago, as brothers, were the meat-loving Kyrgyz, and the fish-loving Japanese.” There isn’t a confirmed origin for this one, but they use stories like this to demonstrate how alike they are (looks, behaviour), and they’re looking into the ancestry of the two, to see if there’s any confirmation.]

>In what way does Romano think of Prussia?
And, on the other hand, in what way does Prussia think of Romano?

During the time that they were rather small, they occasionally met Romano naturally wanted to hit Prussia’s smirky face some day and considered it however given that he was too scary, he simply kept his distance and attacked him verbally.
Prussia is equally fond of Romano as he is Italy.
He’s always attracted to those two’s climate and topography.

Translation: tarafishes, spaghettifelice
LJ | Original

One thought on “Hetalia Fantasia 3”

  1. Thanks for your passionate thoughts towards Hetalia Fantasia!
    I’m really glad that you guys are looking forward to it.
    In any case, the voice actors’ performances were most passionate.

    There were more who applied the most for this 3rd one.
    For those who said, “I haven’t heard the 1st and 2nd!”
    I wonder if I can give the 1st and 2nd parts that I have to readers as a present.
    I’ll try to suggest this.

    And regarding the voice actors, they–heheheh

    A few replies continue from here

    This Japan cat is clearly despairing about life.

    >Do you have any books that go into detail about the Anglo-Japanese alliance?

    If these three books exist in Japan, I would recommend them,
    because they’re filled with people born and bred in Edo,
    from stories of Brits doing their best in entering the hot hot baths,
    to the progress of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, comparison of cultures, they have everything.
    England getting rid of Russia was such a promising thing!
    You can also unwind with a story about the celebration of a ship’s completion.

    >When I see Ms. Hungary, I sort of remember a legend I heard when I went there.
    It’s brief, but I want to write a bulleted summary

    ・ Two princes argue over who should succeed the throne
    ・ Their father, who is the king, “You can succeed by finding a white deer☆”
    ・ One of them finds the white deer in a remote place
    ・ But it was such a lovely place, so he settled there
    ・ The other prince ruled the country, which returned to the way it was

    With this to refer to Japan and Hungary, I heard that those who believe the legend think that Hungary and Japan are siblings.

    Thanks for the info about Hungary.
    Come to think of it, Turkey (moon, star, and sun) and Kyrgyzstan (meat and fish) also have legends like that.*

    *Referring to a legend of the relationship between Japan, the sun of the east, and Turkey, the moon and star of the west, referring to their flags.
    And explaining Japan’s relationship with Kyrgyzstan:
    “Long ago, as brothers, were the meat-loving Kyrgyz, and the fish-loving Japanese.” There isn’t a confirmed origin for this one, but they use stories like this to demonstrate how alike they are (looks, behaviour), and they’re looking into the ancestry of the two, to see if there’s any confirmation.

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