If China cut his hair.
【Porsche Tiger】VK4501P
It is wonderful tank which Porsche produced.
When the tank goes forward, it digs a hole, and it is buried in it.
For that reason, the production stopped, and the tanks which were produced already were used for training and destroyer.
Getaria wikipedia
>What does the F stand for in Alfred F. Jones?
According to my first note, it seems like Foster.
But I wrote a lot around it, like Franklin and F*ck,
the mystery of F deepens and deepens…
>Recently I finished my entrance exam and I’d like to study Russian history.
Could you recommend any books?
Sure! I recommend,
現代ロシアを知るための55章 エリア・スタディーズ
ロシアのことがマンガで3時間でわかる本 明日香出版
ヒストリカルガイド ロシア 山川出版
読んで旅する世界の歴史と文化 ロシア 新潮社
ソ連邦史 全4巻 大月書店
ロシアを知る事典 平凡社
図説・物語ロシアの歴史 新読書社
ロシア史 山川出版社
世界戦争事典 河出書房新社
日露戦争の事典 三省堂
日本人とロシア人 物語日露人物往来史 大月書店
世界史の中の日露戦争 戦争の日本史 吉川弘文館
マンガとユーモアでみるソ連 太陽企画出版
フィンランドの歴史 世界歴史叢書 明石書店 (A Concise History of Finland)
フィンランド空軍戦闘機隊 大日本絵画 (Finnish Air Force)
↑These books are written about the Soviet Union and Russia from the viewpoint of Finnish.
Taiwan-kun. I guess there were no characters like him…
NyoAsia having fun. Looks like Taiwan-kun has many cares. Click for bigger.
Japanese Navy underwear.
Translation: rorysponytail
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