Happy people

Hello, I’m Himaruya Hidekazu, fighting deadlines and assignments somewhere in the background.
Once I’ve finished these two guys, I’m done for today.

He looks like from a different planet, I’m very pleased with him.

Thank you for the congratulations on my 5th anniversary!
They made me really happy. I’ll do my best not to disappoint you from now on as well!
I’ll colour that↑ and the Greece illustration once I’ve finished my assignments.

>Is Liechtenstein the only girl in Hetalia with small boobs?
How about Jeanne?
I’d love to see a chart with the breast sizes of hetalia girls.

Right now I’m planning Belarus’ and Belgium’s to be quite big, Seychelles is somewhere in-between, and then I think Liechten would follow in her solitary place.
In this recently published chart of the breast size all around the world, Austria and Switzerland shared the last place, I think it would affect her as well.

In order to be able to move around in that damn heavy armor, Jeanne would have to have a pretty robust figure. However, in the manga, she is pictured merely as a little bit fiercer but otherwise pretty standard French woman.

>By the way – and this will probably sound super silly but, Finland’s cheeks look so yummy, I can’t help it!
That’s why I’m now asking Su-san, please, give me Finland’s cheeks!

>Do you know about this!!

Yes, exchange year with Brazil! Maybe I should add Brazil in a year like this…

>After all, Greece’s newspaper is stronger than the UK one.

Greece is super strong, isn’t he! By the way, from what I remember, the English version has a really detailed content and the plans about Austria and Switzerland were surprisingly awesome.
Thank you for the information!

[T/N: lacking context for a more coherent translation.]

Translation: lost_hitsu

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