Hetalia x Hitsuji de Oyasumi Vol 7: Switzerland & Liechtenstein – Track 03 “You too must be tired, right?”

Switzerland: Are you all right, Liechtenstein? You must be tired, right?

Liechtenstein: No, I am all right, elder brother! Please lie back down into bed.

Switzerland: Do not push yourself. It’s already grown late into the night, so it is only natural to be drowsy.

Liechtenstein: Oh no, I am just fine staying awake late into the night. It is just that I feel so safe with you by my side.

Switzerland: Liechten…

Liechtenstein: I guess I feel so safe that I just dozed off just a few moments ago.

Switzerland: Well then, how about I count you some sheep this time?

Liechtenstein: Huh?! B-but I thought I was suppose to put you to sleep, elder brother!

Switzerland: It is thanks to your sheep counting that I was able to relax and get rid of some of my fatigue. I feel like I’ll be able to sleep well tonight!

Liechtenstein: If that is the case, then you should go to sleep, elder brother.

Switzerland: Before I do, I believe doing something like counting sheep to you just like in the old days should be fine, right? I would be happy to count for you.

Liechtenstein: Elder brother… Thank you very much!

Switzerland: Then let us go to your room.

Liechtenstein: Yes!

Liechtenstein: Elder brother… You visited Mr. Prussia’s home today, correct? Was Mr. Prussia doing well?

Switzerland: Yes… He was as rambunctious as ever! He was acting self-important and he even took my photo!

Liechtenstein: *laughs* I am happy to hear that Mr. Prussia has not changed. Were Mr. Germany and Mr. Austria present too?

Switzerland: Austria?! I do not want to see the likes of him!

Liechtenstein: Elder brother….

Switzerland: When I even begin to see his face, any sort of food I eat loses its taste and begins to taste like coffee!

Liechtenstein: But the two of you were friendly a long time ago, were you not?

Switzerland: W-who cares about the likes of him?! Look, we are in front of your room now.

Liechtenstein: Oh, so we are already here…. I would have loved to chat just like this for just a few more moments.

Switzerland: Is there something wrong, Liechten?

Liechtenstein: Oh no, it is nothing! I apologize, brother, but I must change into my pajamas now, so please wait outside for just a moment.

Switzerland: Yes. Take your time and don’t put the buttons on your pajamas in the wrong hole.

Liechtenstein: Yes, elder brother. If you shall excuse me.