Hetalia x Hitsuji de Oyasumi Vol 6: France & Spain – Track 01 “Your eyes certainly look wide awake!”

France: Honeybee CD collection.

Spain: Hetalia x Sleeping by Sheep Counting Series.

Spain & France: “A Good Night’s Sleep with Bad Friends.”

France: Let’s confirm our battle strategy one more time. Prussia handles this area here, and you’ll be in this area, correct?

Spain: Yup! And you’ll be on standby…right here, yeah?

France: Yes. I’ll be standing by there and prepare for my chance to wreck that eyebrow brute’s army!

Spain: England, huh? I thought we would have no problem kicking Austria’s butt, but England allied himself with Austria at a pretty unexpected time. He probably just joined Austria just to beat you up.

France: It’s refreshing to see that he’s as easy to read as ever. Well, I am quite powerful now so I’ll just beat him at his own game!

Spain: Can’t wait to see that! I gotta pull my weight too! *yawns*

France: My, yawning after saying such a bold statement. You’re not tense at all, are you?

Spain: Ah, I’m sorry. Well, it is late. It’s pretty quiet outside and I think everyone except the lookout guards are asleep.

France: Ohh? Ohh, is it already that time? Well then, we shall end our strategy meeting here and rest up for tomorrow.

Spain: Aw, shut it.

France: Hmm? What’s wrong, Spain? Is something bothering you?

Spain: No. It’s just that my eyes are wide awake now and I just thought that I wouldn’t get much sleep tonight.

France: What are you saying? You let out a pretty big yawn just a few moments ago!

Spain: There’s a difference between being drowsy and actually sleeping. Every time I say to myself, “All right, time to go to sleep!” the atmosphere of the battlefield always bothers me. Ever since we camped here, my sleep’s been pretty light.

France: Hey hey, get a grip now! Prussia’s unit is the first to go into battle this time and he looks fine! We can’t have the mighty Spain looking tired in battle now!

Spain: I get the feeling that Prussia doesn’t exactly care whether he’s actually fine or not.

France: Well, he was born just for the purpose of fighting in battle.

Spain: Speaking of, where did Prussia go? I haven’t seen him around lately.

France: Who knows? Maybe he’s making some sort of cunning trap for the enemy. He went off in our strategy meeting yesterday too. The two of us and him are completely different fundamentally. It’s not that big of a deal if we just leave him alone.

Spain: You really think so? *yawns*

France: Anyways, I believe we should rest now. You look like you’re at your limits too.

Spain: Aw, shut it. I get the feeling I won’t get to sleep if I go back in my tent, but I can at least give my body some rest. *yawns*

France: Yes, you should do that. If you really can’t fall asleep though, I guess I could count some sheep for you.

Spain: What? You sure?

France: Huh? Sure about what?

Spain: Don’t say that! You said you would count sheep for me!

France: We-Well I did say that…But I was just doing a little kidding around. You actually want me to do it?

Spain: Man, you’re a real lifesaver! Just when I thought no one would do it! My lack of sleep definitely came from me worrying about a night attack! Someone counting me to sleep should definitely give me the peace of mind to sleep!

France: I never thought he’d take it this seriously…

Spain: Hmm? What’s up, France? Will you count to me?

France: That is true. To be honest, even I was a bit worked up about a night raid too. Doing something fairy-tale like like sheep counting would help you relax. I’ll do it!

Spain: Oh hey! You’re tense about a night raid too!

France: Yes, but I’m tense with, uh, excitement! I’m not scared at all! After all, I’m a veteran when it comes to battle!

Spain: That applies to me too. Still, having your eyes wide open because you’re excited or you’re scared still equals in not getting sleep.

France: True…Heh. Oh well. I’ve never actually fallen asleep to sheep counting before so I have no idea if it’ll actually make you sleep, but as long as you’re up for it, we can put it to the test.

Spain: Sure! All right, I’m going to my tent now.

France: Yes, yes. I’m going to get a status report from the lookout guards. I’ll meet you in your tent later.

Spain: Roger that! See you later!