Denmark and Sweden’s friendly relations

■Denmark and Sweden’s friendly relations

Sweden and Denmark, who had who knows how many fights over a long period of time, were countries whose foundations were based on very similar industries. However, whereas Denmark deepened his relations with other countries and was able to depend on their cooperation, Sweden chose the stoic “I’ll pull through somehow if I do my best” route.

I was reading about Nordic history on the plane, and Sweden’s stoicness is really amazing! I’ll be updating the Halloween manga now!

Translation: hikari-kaitou
LJ | Original


I wonder, if the orange uniforms of American prisoners are so popular as cool Halloween costumes, couldn’t it happen that actual prisoners would mingle in with the crowds?

The spirit of the apple tree in Mir castle that the owner ordered to cut down is still revenging herself by luring people into the lake…

[T/N: The Apple Tree legend]

The ghost of Room 324 of a Swedish hotel is like the Romeo of a Swedish version of Romeo and Juliet.
A commoner and the daughter of a baron fell in love, however, the baron did not think that was proper, and to put an end to it had his daughter marry a man of a different status…

[T/N: This refers to the Taftaholm Herrgard hotel in Sweden. ]


Translation: lost_hitsu, jammerlea
LJ | Original

Denmark’s magic words








This is how battles on the ice usually turn out, so in general it’s best not to risk it, but when they succeed it’s pretty cool. Upon seeing the Swedish army marching towards them on the ice, it seems that the Danish army promptly lost their will to fight. By the way, Sweden was in a terrible mood because Russia had his arm around Finland’s shoulders at the time.

The manga kind of gives the impression that Norway is completely disinterested in Denmark, but they were actually working quite well together at the time and I think it was pretty nice.

Many years later, after Norway had been oppressed by the more powerful country, he and Denmark drifted apart. When Norway entered a union with Sweden, Denmark sent him a letter or something in which he threw a childish tantrum and cut their ties, after which the goodwill towards Norway seemed strangely decreased, but that’s another story.


Things got a little better for him later, thanks to Denmark.
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Sweden is lurking behind your back

Wherever Denmark and Sweden happened to be at the same place during their long history, it was probably wiser to back up… or so I imagine.
Watching Northern Europe work nowadays so closely together is pretty amazing, considering how they used to beat the ever-loving shit out of each other in the past.

Speaking of Rome, there is this story about a queen that was captured as her country was conquered by Rome. As she was paraded through the streets in golden chains, Roman citizens started whispering, “The queen is so admirable and classy! And such a beauty too!”

What followed was a serious captured-queen-fever, she was given a palace and her whole family ended up living in luxury… Whether a true story or not, it’s certainly interesting.

Faces are so difficult…

Translation: lost_hitsu
LJ | Original

Norwegian Butter Crisis!!

The Norwegian butter crisis! Because of the recently popular diet methods, the demand for butter got so large that it practically disappeared from shops, as the story from everywhere informed.
It looks like Sweden will be on the lookout for butter smugglers bustling about.

And then Denmark’s butter support came!!
Will Norway’s Christmas be saved!?

Since it’s so cold in the Nordic countries, it isn’t surprising that the calorie intake there is rather high, so high in fact that it can put to shame even a calorie imperium like America.
Adding butter alone can possibly help with the digestion.
Something that probably won’t be a good idea in warmer countries….

A few replies continue from here.
Starting tomorrow I think I will update the site.
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