Denmark’s magic words








This is how battles on the ice usually turn out, so in general it’s best not to risk it, but when they succeed it’s pretty cool. Upon seeing the Swedish army marching towards them on the ice, it seems that the Danish army promptly lost their will to fight. By the way, Sweden was in a terrible mood because Russia had his arm around Finland’s shoulders at the time.

The manga kind of gives the impression that Norway is completely disinterested in Denmark, but they were actually working quite well together at the time and I think it was pretty nice.

Many years later, after Norway had been oppressed by the more powerful country, he and Denmark drifted apart. When Norway entered a union with Sweden, Denmark sent him a letter or something in which he threw a childish tantrum and cut their ties, after which the goodwill towards Norway seemed strangely decreased, but that’s another story.


Things got a little better for him later, thanks to Denmark.
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Young children seem to have started enjoying Halloween lately, but they don’t to go around to different houses requesting candy.

They’ve had the custom of dressing up in animal and mythological costumes for centuries in order to drive away evil spirits. They go around to lots of houses, dancing. It sounds kind of fun.

November 1st is a day to celebrate saints and ancestors. It seems that this holiday provided a one-month break for everyone way back when, but it’s been shortened to just November first. In recent years, it seems like many young people have started celebrating it like American Halloween.

There are lots of real ghosts there so there was an article in Time about how they don’t feel the need to celebrate Halloween. Winters in Tallinn must be scary…

List of Holidays by Country ←Useful

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Translation: hikari_kaitou
LJ | Original

America when he’s not used to the battlefield

Britain had been repeatedly beaten up by Germany in the African war front ever since Germany arrived; however, Britain managed to turn the tables in El Alamein. The British army was pursuing the Axis forces of Germany and Italy in Africa now.

And that’s when the American army arrived.
The American forces, who were complete beginners in fighting in Africa, made quite a lot of blunders when they arrived.

1. They were superbly optimistic.
We’re strong so we’ll get by!

2. They were marvelously simplistic.
It seems the battle hardened Britain had to explain in great detail on why this plan was a bad one and the plan was eventually rejected.

3. They were simply creating more unnecessary work.
America’s boss viewed Britain’s boss as a rival!
This ‘rivalry’ was the cause of many competitions on the battlefield and other pointless things!

“Germany? Let’s kick their ass!” The American army went into battle with this enthusiastic mentality, but due to the army’s inexperience in fighting in Africa and ‘America’s strong! We can do something!’ mindset, the American army received a severe welcoming from Germany. After that, the Italian army captured a parachute brigade.
America’s debut in Africa was unpleasant indeed.

Due to really poor communication and logistic support from both sides, The Britain-American Allied Forces retreated, leaving behind their equipment.

For Soviet Russia, this was a delicious opportunity.

Rough drafts of mini characters.
There will also be another colour versions

Translation: spaceinvaderdud, spaghettifelice
LJ | Original