Japan-san and etc.

Japan-san with his fringe cut to the same length.

Fem!Poland and Fem!Lithuania as requested.
I’ve changed the design a little.

Thank you for reading my serialized manga!
I will be adding more characters very soon, so I’m been coloring some mini characters.
Also, it’s difficult designing the emperors!

And because of that, the emperors end up in Japanese armors or looking like rpg warriors or dressing in cool bad-boy style, it’s a little out of control like that…

Translation: don_amoeba
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Denmark’s magic words








This is how battles on the ice usually turn out, so in general it’s best not to risk it, but when they succeed it’s pretty cool. Upon seeing the Swedish army marching towards them on the ice, it seems that the Danish army promptly lost their will to fight. By the way, Sweden was in a terrible mood because Russia had his arm around Finland’s shoulders at the time.

The manga kind of gives the impression that Norway is completely disinterested in Denmark, but they were actually working quite well together at the time and I think it was pretty nice.

Many years later, after Norway had been oppressed by the more powerful country, he and Denmark drifted apart. When Norway entered a union with Sweden, Denmark sent him a letter or something in which he threw a childish tantrum and cut their ties, after which the goodwill towards Norway seemed strangely decreased, but that’s another story.


Things got a little better for him later, thanks to Denmark.
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I worry whether making him do a Hong Kong action movie pose will make him look cool.
The locals say his name like Hēunggóng.
There seem to be different stories about the origin of his name, but the most likely story about the aromatic harbour (since the trade of agarwood was thriving and the harbour always smelled good) is lovely.

I’m glad the work I started on seems to almost be over now.
I look forward to how it looks from now on!

A few replies continue from here. This includes content from the 4th volume.
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