Halloween 2013 Bonus Page

Picture of the Hotel Ghosts

Ghost (Moldova’s imagination)

A deacon who went to pick up the woman
he loved even though he had drowned.
He went to pick her up on Christmas Eve night,
but in the middle of their horseback ride,
she found out that he was dead and had him driven away.
The flowers are anemones.

Ukraine’s ghost train
It seems that there’s a legend about Ukraine’s ghost train
that was started being witnessed starting about 50-60
years ago and extending until present day.
It vanishes from before the eyes of witnesses and speeds
along silently only for the sound to follow later.
I can’t help wondering what might be riding on it.

Ghost appearing in Canada’s hotel
A very polite ghost appearing in a Canadian hotel.
He appears in the old hotel uniform, carries various luggage and
opens the door – basically he is doing his hotel boy job even as a ghost.
They say he retired from his job with the words, “I’ll be back”.

Ghost of a village girl that appears at an abandoned castle
A young maiden took her own life as the owner of the castle
dumped her and became a ghost that now appears in that castle.
Even though the castle is abandoned now,
there are still people who see her appearing.

An alchemist who is said to have sold his soul to the devil.
He had all sorts of non-human beings living in his castle,
and even now there are suspicious footsteps and things
floating and moving around to be spotted there.

Here’s some fairly useless trivia about New Zealand’s house.
New Zealand has lots of ghost stories, so many
that it seems they’re published in the country’s newspapers.
Larnac Castle (a female ghost appears here)
Napier Penitentiary (some ghosts who appeal very energetically to those who see them appear here)
Waikato Hospital (it’s famous for ghost sightings)
Saint James Theater (Russians appear here)
Hiwick (there was an incident with a demonic dog. It can stay at your side forever! This must be irresistible for dog lovers.)
There are numerous places for ghost viewing.
Even in Wikipedia articles, statements like “ghosts appear here”
or “there have been many eyewitness testimonies that this place
is haunted” are written as if to clearly confirm the existence
of ghosts there. New Zealand is an amazing place!

Apparently it’s becoming learning material for Australians
who want to study the spirit of the Japanese.

The Ghost of a Turkish Maid

The Dutch ambassador in the Turkish embassy had an affair
with one of the maids, but he had to leave Turkey and
the maid died of broken heart.
Since then, the ghost of the maid is said to be running through
the grounds, still doing her maid duties.