I finished what I was doing.

Thanks to you, my cold got better.
I’m sorry for worrying you the past few days.
Since I was finally able to eat New Year’s soba,
I feel like 2012 has come.

Anyway, I plan to resume the updates from around 9 PM.

Finnish Horror Movies
A scene from “Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale”↓

The first horror scene is of old men with pixellated censors filling the screen.
Finnish horror movies are amazing…!!

Translation: y4nderenka
LJ | Original


Mr. Yokoyama’s Sangokushi is the best after I got some work done!!
I updated the blog’s summary of the Barjona comic on the home page, and the details of this month’s issue!
The story for this month’s issue is about both of them becoming very good friends.

Approaching footsteps

And so, a few replies continue from here.
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