Restarting again

News about the restart of the Halloween event.
Sorry to have kept you waiting!
I finished the things that were keeping me busy, so I’ll be begin updating the manga and requests again starting tonight. I still have two more apology naked butlers in reserve so I’ll be adding those as well.

When you look at EU news, there’s a lot about Bulgaria and Romania who often appear as a set. The contents are usually something along the lines of “you guys need to try harder.”

Translation: hikari-kaitou
LJ | Original

Thank you for the requests!

Oh my! I didn’t update very much in the last few days so now I want to upload the manga story as quickly as possible. I’ll start with the strip where I was in the middle of typesetting. Sorry for all the waiting.

Also I got requests asking for “wakame”, do you mean wakame as in the seaweed?!
[T/N: “wakame” can also mean “youngish” or “young looking”.]

☆Introducing some pretty places:

This is somehow cool.

Retro street found in the Kanmon Strait museum
The whole of Moji city is so beautiful, all the way from Moji train station.
[TN: Kanmon Strait is between the Honshu and Kyushu islands, Moji is a city in Fukuoka close to the strait.]

I received an email with news that some Italian politician said “Try harder, Germany!”. I laughed.

Translation: lost_hitsu
LJ | Original

Request 56

It’s Cuba-san!

Now that we’re on the subject, Spain and Cuba made a zombie movie together.
Zombie Revolution-Juan of the Dead is the name and it’s quite interesting. I recommend it! The plot is like “there’s a zombie endemic in town, so let’s kill zombies to earn some spending money!”

Sorry the news has been so late in coming today. I’ll be updating the manga soon!

Translation: hikari-kaitou
LJ | Original