Hetare 4: Pact of Steel 1




Lithuania and Russia

After Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin finished their conference at Yalta,
they went on a sightseeing flight to the Black Sea.
No sooner than they’d taken off, a devil jumped onto
the airplane’s wing and started to destroy the engine.
Churchill kept his cool and began to negotiate.

“Sir, if you’ll stop that,
I’ll give you a seat in the House of Lords.”

The devil, however, refused to listen.
A few minutes later, Roosevelt said to the devil,

“Hey, you, yes, you. If you’ll stop,
I’ll give you as much Californian farmland and new Packard cars as you want.”

But the devil continued to destroy the engines.
At this point, Stalin gently shouted,

“Hey, you fuckwad, if you don’t stop that right
now I’ll throw you into the kolkhoz!

At the moment the devil heard those words,
it flew away, never to be seen again.

From the kolkhoz that even the devil fears.


Lithuania and the Happy Three Baltic States

Although Lithuania used to be a big country with Poland,
Russia did its best to break that apart—>Lithuania is ‘recruited’.
Afterwards, poor Lithuania’s plight was to be beaten up by Russia day after day.
By the way, Lithuania-kun likes martial arts.
He’s also the (relatively) most cheerful among the Baltic states.



The Trembling Trio









The Pact of Steel. A treaty exchanged between Germany and Italy
to help each other out if each is ever in a bind.
This pact will change the two Italy’s immeasurably in the future.


coming soon


Translation: equivalent-t, konkira, hetamushitama, jammerlea
Original Translated Version | Original

[Request] Reason

>The reason Estonia is such a hottie

I just kept drawing nothing but glass jars…
In Japanese, they are all called “bin”,
but in English you have “bottle” and “jar”.
Do you know which ones of these are bottles and which ones are jars?

The answer: The ones with a wide opening are jars.

Translation: don_amoeba
tumblr | Original


Young children seem to have started enjoying Halloween lately, but they don’t to go around to different houses requesting candy.

They’ve had the custom of dressing up in animal and mythological costumes for centuries in order to drive away evil spirits. They go around to lots of houses, dancing. It sounds kind of fun.

November 1st is a day to celebrate saints and ancestors. It seems that this holiday provided a one-month break for everyone way back when, but it’s been shortened to just November first. In recent years, it seems like many young people have started celebrating it like American Halloween.

There are lots of real ghosts there so there was an article in Time about how they don’t feel the need to celebrate Halloween. Winters in Tallinn must be scary…

List of Holidays by Country ←Useful

Subscription update~2☆

Translation: hikari_kaitou
LJ | Original