[Request] Reason

>The reason Estonia is such a hottie

I just kept drawing nothing but glass jars…
In Japanese, they are all called “bin”,
but in English you have “bottle” and “jar”.
Do you know which ones of these are bottles and which ones are jars?

The answer: The ones with a wide opening are jars.

Translation: don_amoeba
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At China’s

Chinese history is like a soap opera; just when you think there’s peace some epic disasters would occur in the most unimaginable ways… “Again!?” “Not again!?” And on it goes.

Also the hero in otome games is a one-shot character.
If there ever was such an otome game hero, I’d like a “Sassy Reply” option.

Hero: Is your heart set on me?
Heroine: What the hell’s wrong with you [Sassy Reply]
Hero: *cough*

Translation: lost_hitsu, don_amoeba
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I’m used to the cold!

The i Phone 38 is acting up…

■Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra in color■

Click on the image for a much bigger version!

There’s an old movie called “Antony and Cleopatra”, and I can’t help but think that Antony’s skirt in the movie is awfully short…
It’s definitely shorter than high-school girl uniforms…

Translation: don_amoeba
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