Some guys I doodled

【Bierßen】 (Beer + Prussia)
You’ll find him in festivals. He likes to make people drink beer that he’s already taken a sip from.

【Saunaland】 (Sauna + Finland)
You’ll find him in saunas, and he likes to make the effective temperature really high by pouring water over hot rocks non-stop.

[T/N: Effective temperature is a measurement of the combined effects of temperature, humidity, and air movement on the sensation of warmth/cold felt by the human body.]

Translation: don_amoeba
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Scary story that happened at a countryside high school part 2 A-kun

Thank you for every Valentine’s Day!
The chocolate and art are great!
I’m really moved by the messages, illustrations and such.
Thank you very much!!

Continued are
“Countryside High School” character introductions.
A-kun is the only one who tells the scary story.

A-kun, first year student

A friendly schoolboy who likes Shinkansen, fast trains, and cats.
Because he got so excited and fractured his bones from falling down the stairs
during the entrance ceremony, he was kinda like a celebrity during his first year in high school.。

The protagonist has to completely go with this guy’s story
which is hard to tell if it’s scary or not.
The main thing is, “As soon as the person in question actually experiences it, it may be scary, but
because he doesn’t look like he would get scared, it’s not a very scary story to him”

Lacking common sense, the person in question does crazy things with normal intentions.
He’s the kind of guy who, even when a ghost appears, he’ll ignore it,
and when Tamago kake gohan (egg on rice) is in front of him, he’ll focus on that.
Because his nature doesn’t involve thinking deeply about things,
there are quite a few scenes of him saying, “Hey, let’s jump in here!”

155 cm (~5′) and a bit plump.
Since all members of his family are surprisingly tall and have skinny builds,
he’s the only person who is smaller in length, and he gets worried about being slightly thicker in width.。


・Because he’s the type who doesn’t read instructions, he has a vague memory of everything.
 Since he’s also extremely lazy,
 when performing “follow a certain procedure and witness the monster”-related ghost stories,
 he’ll get the general procedure wrong, drastically skip parts,
 and it’ll progress rather awkwardly.

・By the way, about the bright colour of his hair:
 He intended to dye it a little bit at home, but forgot that when he was dyeing it.
 Because he was enthusiastic about the game and neglected his hair, it became this colour.

Translation: spaghettifelice

America and Russia

Sorry for stretching out the Halloween event for so long! I think I’m going to make a bee-line for the ending starting now.

Now that I’m thinking about it, it’s funny how many requests I’ve gotten for England and Germany to show crazy behavior. I wonder if this means that everyone feels that I’ll deliver crazy behavior from the other characters without having to be asked.

Translation: hikari-kaitou
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