■I guess we can’t win against Mei Guo after all■

[T/N: * China ends his sentences with “aru” which is a kind of Chinese stereotype that Japanese have. I didn’t know how to translate this to English without making China sound like Yoda or something so I left it as it is.
* The first link that Himaruya-sensei posts is about a Chinese amusement park full of copyright-infringing cheap knockoffs of famous characters. The second is a funny link about how Chinese people have different ways of saying “aiyaaa” to suit any situation and say it all the time (is this true? ahaha;;)
* Kitty-chan is what the Japanese call “Hello Kitty”.
* Shina is a kind of offensive way to say “China”. Therefore Kitty-chan has become Shinatty-chan.
* Měi Guó (美國) = how to say “USA” in Chinese. And in the title of the second comic they use the Chinese reading for “Japan” (日国), but I don’t know how to say that in Chinese so I left it as “Japan”.]
Scanlation: panjapanja, jammerlea
Original Translated Version | Original